Pt:2 Grayson who?

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That's what Emily's back looks like. ^^^^^^^
Emily's P.O.V
As you landed to the ground, you landed on you back, soaking your jumper threw from the heavy rain. You squealed Landing on all your bruises and cuts from when you were chucked down the stairs just hours before. "Omg! I'm so sorry! Omg! Here." Said a worried voice. You felt a hand stretch out and you quickly grabbed it as the male figure hoisted you back to your feet. "Th-thanks" you replied. Still squinting from the pain. "Oh no! Are you hurt?!" He asked. Before pulling you under the nearest street lamp in order to take a good look at your face. You kept your hood up over your head. In order to keep your head dry and mainly in order to keep the foundation on. You took a deep breath in, before looking up. Oh my. Was all you could think. Standing right in front of you, was the most gorgeous man you have ever met in your entire life. His worried brown eyes looked at your face closely. His cheek bones and face structure. And don't even get me started on that jaw line. His mouth was open a bit in shock and worry and he was wearing jeans and a hoodie with the hood up as well. You both stood there in the rain. Staring deep into each other's eyes. You cleared you throat and looked away. "Yeah I-I'm fine. Ou!" You whispered. Hearing your voice crack from the pain shooting all over your body. You went to walk off, embarrassed for what has just happened but then you felt him grab your wrist and lightly pull you round to face him. "Are you sure? You seem hurt?" He asked. When you didn't reply he took a different approach. "Grayson" he said. Smiling and looking down at you. "Emily" you replied. Looking at your feet and smiling. "What are you doing out here in the rain anyway?" He asked. Picking up your bag pack that had been abandoned in the puddle from where you fell. "I could ask the same for you" You smartly replied. Dodging the question. He laughed a little before replying "aha! Well our dog ran out and I went out after him to look. But my brother just texted me saying he's back home safe now." "Oh" you simply said. You had been looking up at him and you hood had been sliding down without you realising. The heavy rain padded on your head and slowly made its way down your eyes and cheeks, bringing the foundation with it. Grayson's smile slowly faded away and he looked at your face with shock. Your hands were quickly up to your face and realised it was just you, your bare face and your two black and bruised eyes. "This is not from when I knocked you down is it?" Grayson sadly asked. Once again tears came back out from hibernation and joined in on the action with the rain. You hung you hood back up and quietly whispered "I think I'm going to go now" you took your bag off him which he was holding. You turned around and chucked it onto your shoulder to hard. "Ah shit!!" You squealed. Falling to your knees. "EMILY!!" Grayson shouted, rushing to your side and trying help you up. You couldn't though. The pain was to much. You had been holding in the pain and not treating them for to long. Your body couldn't take it anymore... that's the last thing you remembered before blacking out...

Still Emily's P.O.V
Your eyes fluttered open, and the light hit you. You were laying in a bed. The sheets were different you thought. Rolling over onto your side. Your eyes quickly shot open and that's when you realised you were in a completely different house. You sat up but quickly laid back down again. Feeling a shooting pain rush through your back. Stupid bruises. You thought To yourself. "Hey you awake" you heard as you looked up, it was Grayson coming in with a tray and breakfast. You laughed a bit before asking "how did I get here?" You held your head and looked around. You then looked down and realised you were wearing pyjamas. "And how did I get changed? You didn't change me did you?!" You asked looking at him in disgust. "Well, after you blacked out, I picked you up and carried you back to my house. I couldn't just leave you out here. And relax I didn't change you, my sister did" he laughed, placing the breakfast on the bed side table. "Oh" You embarrassingly looked down. "Sh-she didn't tell you anything about me did she?" You nervously asked. Remembering you have cuts and scars all over your body, and you stomach and back was purple with bruises. "Erhhh no. I don't think she mentioned anything. Why?" You took s sigh of relief. "Um no reason!"
"Well, ok. Here have your breakfast. You can have a shower on the en suite that's opposite you." He pointed to a door on the opposite side on the bedroom. "Your clothes are in there. They have been washed and dried."
"Thank you" you replied. Picking up a price of toast. Grayson smiled at you before walking out. 'I just have to find that sister' your thought...

Hey guys I hope you liked chapter 2!! Do you guys like the story line so far? Anyway see you soon with chapter 3!!!!! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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