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I hear screaming downstairs so I wake up. My brother and my dad are arguing, again.
- That's just a car dad! Archie screamed
- No that's no jut a car Archie! That's your first car offered by Hiram Lodge son! Answered my dad angrily
What the lodges offered a car to my brother?! Archie didn't even told me about that! Is he serious! Can't they stop arguing like that? It is the fifth time they wake up me like that.
Anyway now it is too late I am awake.
The arguing was still going on.
I go out of my bed, I put on a black nike leggings assorted with my nike bra. I'm going to do a footing like every Sunday, I usually go with Archie, he runs at least three time faster than me and lasts much more longer than me, but since the black hood and everything Riverdale has been going through, my dad doesn't want me alone and so my brother does.
Then I put my hair into a ponytail.
I go down the stairs and I then arrive into the kitchen from where the voices are coming.
-Stop screaming like this! You are going to awake your sister! Commanded my dad.
-You're already did. I said tired of them arguing.
They stoped their talking and looked to me surprised, since they didn't see me coming in.
My dad kissed my forehead while saying:
- we are really sorry. My dad said giving a quick look to my brother who still looked angry from their conversation, he then puts his glass in the sink, and stormed out of the kitchen. So I said loud enough for him to hear me:
Happy to see you too!
I took the milk in the fridge, and I also took cereals.
My dad looked exhausted after the arguing and upset too. Like every time they argue.
- I'm going to work honey, see you for dinner. Told me my dad, taking his jacket. Before he left I ask him:
- Can I do my footing dad?
- Yes but only if you brother goes with you okay?
-Yeah of course dad. Have a good day.
When I heard the door closing, I quickly eat my breakfast and I went upstairs. I knocked on my brother's door.
- What now?! Asked my brother obviously fed up.
- It's just me. I started before he cut me off.
-What do you want ?
-Well I'm going to do a footing so...? I asked hoping he would say yes.
-Seriously? How long? He asked
-Well around 15 minutes. I told him
-Hum, okay, anyway I have to train for football so get ready. I'll wait for you downstairs.

I get ready, I brushed my teeth and put on some adidas shoes. My brother was already wanting in front the door. He was wearing a basketball short, and a grey t-shirt through which could see his well toned body.
We started running.
-So why were you arguing this time? I asked him who was next to me.
- None of your business. He said not even looking at me.
-No need to be rude I am just asking! I did rolling my eyes
-Well don't ask.
-But, I'm just... He did not let me finish and sped up without effort.
I tried to keep up but he was to fast and I was exhausted. I was some meters behind him so I couldn't speak to him, obviously on purpose. We arrived at home. I was breathing heavily, and I was certainly red as a tomato. But my brother was not even red or a little bit tired. He looked at me with his superior look .
- A lil bit behind huh?, slow girl. He smirked and went into the garage certainly for doing musculation.
I took my shower and changed in a jean short and one of my old brother's t-shirt, which I usually wear on weekends or as pajamas, since they are still to big for me and they are boys t-shirt so...

I prepared the meal, tomatoes and salt with some pastas.
I went into the garage, my brother was doing push ups , shirtless, with the music playing really loud. So I screamed even more loud:
"Dinner is ready! Come now!"

We ate in silence.
After a while, I broke the silence:
-So why did you argued with dad?
- None of your business. He snapped back.
- I just want to help, okay. As an answer he rolled his eyes.
- You didn't even tell me about the car! Seriously Archie! You don't tell me anything since you are with Veronica ! I raised my voice angrily. I didn't want him to know that but it's true, that make me so upset, we are not sharing anything now.
- What? You too now!!? He started screaming at my face. I thought I could count on you!
- Yes you can! I said more calmly. Of course you can. I continued. But how do you want me to be by your side if you  don't tell me anything ? It is only the truth! Since you have a girl friend it is not like before... I just miss the way it was before I committed sadly .
- And what do you want me to do huh? I can't break up with someone just because you want me to talk to you! He said not eating anymore.
- What the hell Archie! I said loudly standing up. You are not listening! I don't you to break up at all with Veronica! I just want you to trust me as a sister!
-And what if I prefer spending ALL my time with my girlfriend an not my sister because I like V company. He said looking me in the eyes.
Wow it hurts so much. Is he serious? I looked down not knowing what to do. I didn't want to look weak so I tried my best not to cry, but a tear rolled down my cheek.
I left the table, with his gaze on me, he then grabbed my wrist, make me turn around so I could look at him. Then he said after taking a deep breath:
- I'm sorry Am. It's not what I meant.
-I think it's totally what you meant. I said looking away from him.
- No it's not, I, I was just angry.
I shrugged and I asked me to let me go, since he was holding my wrist . But he did not. Instead he pulled me closer to him, and pulled me on his lap into a forced hug.
-You know I like you right? He asked ripping my tear away as he posed his chin on my head and surrounded me with his massives arms compared to mines. You'r my favorite red hair you know? He said joking . As an answer I just shrugged. I hated when he called me names but at the same time he was hugging me so...
-you love me too don't you? He re asked.
- I guess so. I said smiling.
- Ready for high school? He said changing the subject.
-I guess so. I repeated not really sure of what I was feeling like.

Hey guys! Hope you liked the prologue so far! Tell me if you have any ideas or request about this story, it is getting more interesting in the second chapter by the way!

Archie Andrews little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now