Chapter 1

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Bip bip bip . I woke up with this terrible sound. The alarm clock sound. It says 6:12 AM. I' m already late. It is the first day of school. I can already smell the alcohol from downstairs. I'm not in Riverdale or with my step brother. Unfortunately it was only a dream. I wish it was not a dream but my reality is not Riverdale it's Chicago and my father if I can call him so. He is my father but not like every father should be. He should pay attention to me he shouldn't beat me or be drunk all day. My reality use to be my mum too. I also use to love her but she left me alone with Him. She abandoned me. Two weeks ago when they divorced. And all went worst before this day my dad never beat me, he had a job and he loved me. My mum left because she missed her old family meaning Archie Andrews my step brother and her ex-husband Fred Andrews.
It left me empty, first sad, desesperate but then it left the place to the anger. I was angry with my mom for what she did. She left no letters, not even a text sin she left, nothing. She certainly doesn't miss me at all. The worst is that I can't do anything about it I am powerless. I'm stuck here with this stranger that I once use to call dad, he is only the shadow of himself.
I get out of the bed, I reach my phone, I try to call my mom even if I know it is useless, I've been doing that for thirteen days now. Like each time I end on the voice mail, but this time I don't have the strength to even let a vocal message.
I put an outfit on, grey jeans, a white t-shirt and a black jacket.
My gaze stop on a stolen picture of my half brother that I only know through what my mom says. He doesn't even know me he doesn't even know that I exist. First my mom hide the truth because she was still married with Fred when I was born. Each time I asked her if I could get to know my brother she told me it wasn't a good idea. 14 years after I was born she still didn't said anything about me. So of course I wanted to know my brother but she never told me where he lived then I discovered he lived in Riverdale, but then there were murders and things like that so my mum told me that I was safer here and to convince me not to go she said that when I'll b fifteen she will introduce me to them. So I believed her and I waited not trying to find him. But then she left three months before my birthday. But now I don't know anymore if I want to meet him he is maybe just like my mother and I don't want to see her ever again she 's a monster to me.

Sorry this chapter is  really short... The second one will be much more longer, and things are getting interesting , she is going to meet someone you already know... well found out below!
Hope you like the story, tell me if you have any ideas, thanks for reading this chapter I really appreciate it
Love u guys

Archie Andrews little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now