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      NAMJOON SCRATCHED THE BACK of his neck nervously, he just stood there awkwardly as his future coworkers were presenting themselves

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      NAMJOON SCRATCHED THE BACK of his neck nervously, he just stood there awkwardly as his future coworkers were presenting themselves. It was his first day of work and he was quite anxious, meeting new people was always a challenge to the brown haired man, he usually enjoyed staying home reading a book more. He'd give a calm and reserved impression at first, but when you actually got to know him he was really loud and cheerful, he'd however always put others before himself and he really liked to take care of his loved ones. He never had a boyfriend or a real crush due to the fact that he always avoided as much human contact as possible, but now that he fully entered the adult life, he couldn't run away anymore.

But at least he got to work with kids for his whole life. He just had to not sound so nervous while presenting himself, make small talk and finally start working. He never had those kind of problems with children, they were just so easy to interact with, and, as lame as if sounded to him, he'd rather have a kid than have a boyfriend. He was obviously still a probationer, he was put on a test to see if he could take good care of children, he wasn't worried the slightest for that, taking care of kids was probably the only thing he found himself good at.

''I'm Jimin, nice to meet ya.'' Jimin grinned.

''I'm Jung Hoseok, and if you need anything, i'm all ears !'' Hoseok beamed before politely smiling with a light bow as he pinched Taehyung's arm to signal him that it was his turn now.

He seemed a bit startled, and straightened his posture a bit and forcefully turned his lips upwards. He had messy chestnut hair, glossy lips and dark brown eyes, he presented himself under the name of 'Kim Taehyung' and nearly fell while trying to bow ninety degrees. Namjoon would've surely chuckled if he wasn't feeling so tensed and internally awkward. Taehyung was just as cute as Hoseok—but he didn't really care about that, he had came for the kids and actually wasn't interested in anything romantic these days. He had actually never been.

He softly sighed before returning everyone their smiles—his cute dimples flashing nearly missing to dazzle Taehyung. ''I'm Namjoon.'' he breathed in relief all of this finally over—

''There's still Jungkook that you haven't met, he'll come later today 'was busy.'' he informed Namjoon who only automatically nodded in response, he had thought that the presentations were already finished, but guess no. He wanted to groan, he really wanted to curl up into a ball and go back home at that moment. What even was he doing here? He tried to cheer himself up, saying that Hoseok and Taehyung both seemed friendly and nice, and that he didn't have anything to worry about the other character he still had to meet, but his paranoid-self overcame—

They then went out of the worker's room only to go in the playground, outside, Hoseok told them to wait for the parents to come and leave their child while he'll finish some paperwork, so here they were. A thick silence filling the atmosphere as no cars that could be possibly containing kids came yet.

Taehyung discreetly peeked at Namjoon, examining  his features carefully, the younger didn't seem like the social type, it was obvious at first glance. His clothes were extremely average, his haircut didn't seem fresh and stylish even if his hairs looked amazingly bouncy and soft, and the way he was avoiding Taehyung's gazes at any prices made him chuckle. But it was fine, Taehyung was exactly like that too.

Taehyung didn't say anything to fill silence, deciding that it'll probably make his new coworker even more stiff than he already was. He sneezed as he surrounded his chest with his arms protectively, it was a bit chill and he was only wearing his black over-sized hoodie, that definitely wasn't enough to keep him from that fresh morning. He was cold and prayed for the kids to come quickly because he didn't want to get sick from this. Namjoon immediately reacted and proposed Taehyung his scarf, he already had his coat on so it wouldn't change much. After assuring Taehyung for the third time that, no, he won't get sick, Taehyung took the scarf and their fingers brushed slightly, it surprised Namjoon—he usually didn't get much human contact even as small as that. Taehyung didn't even notice and happily wore the scarf while humming a childlike song that Namjoon couldn't really catch. The younger pouted, was he the only who felt like his personal space had been abused ? And if the atmosphere wasn't awkward before, it definitely was now. . . only for Namjoon.

And it was when the kiddos finally arrived, breaking Namjoon free from his silence torment that he relaxed a tiny bit.

''Thank you. . .'' Taehyung abruptly and shyly mumbled after the 6th child, Kandy a sweet girl with bouncy cheeks arrived and hugged the older tightly before entering the building. Namjoon lifted his eyebrow, ''For what ?''

''The scarf, i'm not cold anymore.'' he grinned and Namjoon suddenly noticed the small moles on his lips—

''Yeah,'' he shrugged, ''That's what scarfs. . . do.'' he quickly whispered.

''They keep us warm,'' Taehyung finished and the silence was now as uncomfortable, thick and suffocating as ever, Taehyung cursed at himself for making things worse than before by trying to start a conversation with his coworker than he found quite. . . attractive.

this is actually poorly written, s'rry i'll edit it tomorrow

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this is actually poorly written, s'rry i'll edit it tomorrow

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