Kapitel. 1

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In the stars, in the snow, in memories,
I'm looking for your footprints.
May you have eternal peace, of this I pray,
This place is in the middle of a dream.

With infant wings, that can't even fly, I try to run up the hill.
When I stray from my chosen path, I close my eyes and go on.

Her sweet and melodious voice echoed through the air and soothed his disturbed mind and exhausted body. The Raggs War had ended recently and all those loyal to the Raggs Royal Family were either stripped of their titles and ranks or sent to the gallows. The group known as the Sky Pirates, who had tried to protect the innocent Raggs civilians caught in the crossfire of the fray between the Barsburg Empire and Raggs Empire, were all slaughtered mercilessly by the Barsburg Imperial Army.

The blond- haired, teenage boy lying on a bed, was in all probability, the only one of the Sky Pirates who had survived. Perhaps the soldiers took pity on him and maybe that's why they sent him to live at the Barsburg Church in District 7 of the Kingdom, as a Church orphan, so he could help the Barsburg Priests in their daily activities. But all of his friends, Gido-san... they were all gone.

'Where am I?' thought the boy as he found himself on a bed, in a room with a high ceiling, stained-glass windows and about ten beds, all empty apart from his own. He had been asleep, out cold ever since he had come to the Church (which could not have been more than a week ago). He was exhausted and his body terribly weak due to deep gashes in his flesh and broken bones in his body, and last but not least, a broken soul. He somehow mustered up the strength and turned his head, ever so slightly, to the right, desperate to find the source from which that lovely sound was emanating.

He froze as his eyes laid themselves upon the petite figure of a girl, a girl with wavy chestnut brown hair and green eyes brighter than the most exquisite emerald he had ever seen. Then she began singing again-

In the stars, in the snow, in memories,
I'm looking for your footprints.
May you have eternal peace, of this I pray,
This place is in the middle of a dream.

-and his eyes couldn't help but close and his mouth couldn't help but let out a slow, inaudible sigh as a strange warmth surged around him.

Someday everything here right now, will return to the end of the sky,
Peace awaits you at that place, till then I'll leave behind traces of light.

She had begun humming now. The pause in the song seemed like an eternity to him. Mere seconds without the sound of her gentle, loving voice left him in grave distress. Then anxiety loosened her grip on his mind as soon as she had clutched onto it.

-With infant wings, that can't even fly, I try to run up the hill.
When I stray from my chosen path, I close my eyes and go on.-

The refrain of this song was beautiful, or was it so because of who was singing it?

He slowly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling. He wasn't just lost in her voice; he was drowning in it. But it wasn't a bad kind of drowning where you feel helpless; in fact, he was glad that he was drowning, - slowly, then all at once, then slowly again- and he wished to keep drowning forever as long as it was in her voice. God granted him this wish as his limbs forgot how to swim and he felt something he hadn't felt since time immemorial; peaceful.

The sweet words falling ever so gracefully out of her mouth weren't really words. They were arms; arms that were gently cradling his broken soul in their loving embrace, in an endeavour to heal it, to put its shattered pieces back together again.

-In dreams, in love, in my heart too,
I'm looking for your footprints.
Leaving behind eternal light,
With unwavering wings you fly away.

May you have eternal, undying love.-

The song stopped. The warmth was instantly replaced by his own sadness that clung so tightly to the air in the room, unwilling to let go. He parted his lips to speak but his voice failed him, and even if it hadn't, he could not figure out the words he would use to call out to her. So he just lay where he was, still and silently, gazing at her with the utmost concentration, trying to ascertain who she was or if she was even real.

A/N: If you guys liked it so far please vote and leave a comment! ❤. I'm open to all suggestions so please don't feel shy to dm me any😄.

P.S. 'Kapitel' is the word used to denote each chapter/episode in the 07-Ghost manga/anime series.

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