5. 🍩Ericka🍩

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Me, Brie, cade , Tessa, and Elizabeth were in a store Brie, yet again camilion eyes and sneaky fox, stole a phone and a charger that never dies (no such thing but guess what don't care) she also stole joggers band for your arm and hand, wires, a electoral weird thing, some metal parts for chomp, skinny jeans, a shirt that said 'techna hacker', and there is more I don't want to list it I just stole food and crap I need I stole walcky talky and other shiz we were now in the
' ' secret' ' location 


I was working on a thing that cade was helping me with. I took the screen of the phone and put it on the wrist band and put a camera like thing on the hand band I was about to connect a very explosive wire to the phone when "watcha doin" "eepp!" I said when the wire sparked I glared at hound " well I was trying to get this very explosive wire into place ya almost made me blow every to smithereens" I said he chuckles nervously and I continue "I think it's done" I said I put it on my hand & wrist "let's see what it does kid" said crosshair "chomp" I said chop throws a peace of metal and I grip my hand pointing it at the metal that was in the air making it exploded when energy came out of the small camera thing the guys clap "wow neat little thing what is it called" asked hotrod "its called hacker" I said "ands why is called that" Arcee asked "it's supposed to hack into any device computer, phone, locks, every thing I just haven't tried it out yet" I said typing on the screen "so I'm gonna see if it works " I said typing something as the lights turn on I immediately turn them off "and it works" I said


Brie and cade were working on something called 'heat glasses' "okay ERICKA COME HERE" I heard Brie I walk into the main room "put this on" she said handing me a weird glasses "why" "it's a heat server it can tell if there is a heat wave and shows it" she said "fine" I said and put it on "okay what does the heat wave look like" she asked  "umm... humans heat is  red or orange, atobot is green or blue scraplets is a black" she nods her head she tapped a button on the side and I could see the normal  "wow how you make it" I ask "heat server camera and sunglasses and it's easy" she said I chuckle at it  "dosnt look like it" I said she smiled

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