6. wounded😵

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It's been a full week since we went to the secret hide out Brie made chomp a gray and blue cyborpanther body he loves it, cades girl Vivian came back with Beta a green motorcycle, sunstreaker a yellow charger, and sideswipe a red charger so I found out Elta 1, a pink motorcycle, Beta a green motorcycle, and Arcee, a blue and pink motorcycle, are triplets  sunstreaker and sideswipe were called the terror twins "hey were is Brie" I ask "I dunno" "she's on what she calls patrol" said Elizabeth everyone looks at her in question "she said she is going on walking patrol she been doin it for days now" she said I shrugged


For a whole week of walking around the town drawing a map of it I checked everywhere and I find blue sapphire crystals it's so annoying  I heard the familiar roar of engines I turned to see hotrod, Ericka, Arcee, Bummblebee, and Optimus prime  Arcee stoped bye me "what are you doing here" asked Arcee "mapping" I replied "mapping.. why? Are you mapping" asked Ericka and Optimus at the same time "If I told you, you would say I'm crazy"  I said "no we won't " "okay then... Quentessa is still alive and has been following us I know cuz I seen her" I said "you are craz- oh" said hotrod I herd a engine that made my blood run cold it turn my head  "Galvetron" I said Ericka looks and her eyes went wide, I went to Arcee got on and she drove off same with hotrod, Bummblebee, and Optimus "calling all atobots leave the sight we've been detected I repeat we've been detected " said optimus as we drove fast down the highway every time we hit a bump it slowed us more a semi was hit and it turns sideways "ARCEE!!" I shout she transformed flipped over the semi, grabbing me, and then transformed back "Holy shit!!" I herd Ericka shouted as a blast blew me off Arcee as it felt like slow motion I fell towards the ground and when I did I felt a powerful jab in my leg I let out a yell in pain and grave it Arcee was currently getting up she transformed "get on hurry " she shouts "I can't move or feel my leg" I said I look at it and when I did I wish I hadn't "a big pointy peace of meat is jabbing in my leg " I say frantically "holy fuck" said Ericka as she helped me into hotrod (that sounds so wrong in multiple ways😓😶)  "Ericka in the back there is a first aid kit" said hotrod Ericka nods going there "this is going to hurt like hell" "what do you mean it's going to hurt li- OH HELL!!!" I yell as hotrod swerved from my loud mouth (true i am loud😏) "Is Brie okay" asked Arcee over the enter com "u-uhh massive b-bleeding I don't know?" Ericka said panicking  while wrapping my leg up in a bandage I hiss when she wrapped it to hard "what

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