Chapter 3.

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You could feel your heart rate increase as you walked further into the classroom. Your teacher wasted no time in coming to greet you, one of his large hands reaching out to shake yours. You didn't understand how his hands were always freezing, but his voice snapped you away from that thought.

"You're a little later than I anticipated, but it's alright. Even the busiest man will make time for what's important." His fingers held yours for a few more seconds before he dropped your hand, briskly turning to walk back to his desk.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I didn't mean to keep you waiting." You told him honestly, following him over to his desk. He was placing a stack of ungraded papers in his briefcase, his long lashes fluttering over his cheeks as he looked down. He had the face of an angel.

"Apology accepted, (Y/N). Let's just try to be a bit more punctual next time." There was a drop of poison in that overly-polite voice of his, reminding you that the devil looked like an angel once too.

"Yes, sir." You mumbled sheepishly, rocking back and forth on your feet. The pain of your heels somehow didn't bother you as much anymore, you were too worried about the man in front of you to care about any soreness that your shoes had caused.

"Did you bring your essay with you?" He turned to you, raising an eyebrow in your direction. You nodded, receiving an approving look from him.

He closed his briefcase and snapped it shut, turning to completely face you. He stepped around you, briefcase in hand, motioning to the door in the process. "It's a beautiful evening out. Let's sit outside, shall we?"

You shrugged, muttering a "sure" as he opened the classroom door. He held it open for you, but as soon as the door was shut he had quickly walked ahead of you. Watching him walk was like seeing a model on a runway. His shoulders were steady, but his narrow hips swayed in a way that people would practice hours to achieve, yet he could do it effortlessly.

"That room can get a bit stuffy," he complained, tugging on the collar of his turtleneck in exaggeration. You could faintly see the smooth skin below his jaw, but only for a second before he let go of his collar and the fabric hugged his neck tightly again.

You followed him outside, where he found a bench tucked under a lamppost. The artificial lighting casted shadows over his figure and made him look even more villainous, especially when he sat down and crossed his legs. You sat down on the other side of the bench, the space in between you making him feel miles away.

He took a pen out from his briefcase, snapping it shut again and balancing it on his knee in one motion. He cleared his throat after a second, making you look up at his face. He stared at you expectantly, but you didn't know what he wanted until he pointed to your purse. "Your essay. I'd be more than happy to look over it now."

"Oh!" You gave him an apologetic smile, reaching into your purse and pulling out the folded piece of notebook paper you had shoved in there before work. You tried to smooth it out to the best of your ability before you extended your arm. "Here you go, sir."

You handed the crinkled paper over to him, immediately getting a huff of disapproval once he took it from you. "Presentation isn't the strongest, I see."

A tinge of embarrassment was evident on your face, but thankfully he kept his eyes glued to your essay. If it were anyone else, you would've told them to fuck right off, but he was different. He was so intimidating that it made you scared of what would happen if you actually did mouth off to him. He laid your paper flat against his briefcase and you watched as his eyes scanned over your words, marking your paper with his pen in the process.

"For your first assignment, this isn't too bad." He tried reassuring you, but the red ink all over the paper told you otherwise. You shrunk into the bench, wishing you could disappear right now. "The biggest issue with this argument is your reasoning. You're stating a lot of opinions, but not explaining why you feel the way you do. You must always back up your points with evidence."

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