Chapter 4.

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418 Orchid Boulevard.

You read over the words more times than you could count. His address. It felt kinda dirty, knowing where one of your professors lived. You had broken the unofficial rule that a student shouldn't know their teacher outside of school, but that was the least of your worries right now. Your mind kept drifting back to what happened last night.

You were just as confused as you were when it happened. During your hopeless attempts at falling asleep, you found yourself reaching for your phone to Google the different questions you had. You didn't even want to look at your search history, knowing that it would all be different variations of "I don't remember walking somewhere," "Can you blackout while walking?" or your personal favorite, "Does teleportation exist?"

You felt like you were losing your sanity, and you were only running on a couple hours of sleep to add to the chaos. You knew what would make you feel better; a shower and some coffee.

Your feet padded against the cold floors as you made your way to the bathroom, turning the water on and allowing it to heat up while you checked to make sure the coffee pot was ready to brew. It was the small things in life that you learned to cherish, especially after you moved away from home. Even though you moved to a new city to go to your dream college, there was an emptiness that stayed with you for a long time after you left. On days like today, when you needed someone to be there, the things that comforted you made you feel less lonely. Coffee comforted you, it reminded you of home.

You showered a little longer than usual, getting too lost in your thoughts. Your plan had always been to move back home after graduation and find a job there, so you could be with your family again. Hopefully Professor Brando wasn't looking for a long-term assistant, because you didn't picture yourself living here anymore once this semester was over.

You shut the water off and wrapped a towel around you. Still dripping with water, you made your way to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee, circling back to your room moments later. You sat on the edge of the bed and picked up your phone, seeing a notification that wasn't there before.

2 New Messages!
From: Professor Brando

Oh great. Texts from teachers are never a good sign.

Professor Brando [8:52 am]
Good morning, (Y/N).
I must first apologize for leaving so abruptly last night, I didn't want to hinder you any longer as it was already getting late. However, I have taken the liberty of calling your place of work and letting them know that your employment period with them has come to an end. Your last paycheck will be deposited into your bank account, no two weeks notice required. As stated previously, the route to my residence is written on your essay. You may arrive at seven this evening, if that time works for you. Let me know.
Prof. Brando

Professor Brando [9:01 am]
Oh, and I implore you to bring a sweater. My house can get rather chilly in the evening. :-P

Your first thought was, what the fuck? Your second thought was, why did he manually type out a smiley face instead of just sending an emoji?

You [9:43 am]
Hey Professor, 7 works for me. And thanks for the heads up, I'll bring one with me. Just wondering, how'd you find out where I work?

He read your message within seconds. He must be glued to his phone when he's not at school.

Professor Brando [9:44 am]
Your employment history is listed on the student database, I decided to call them myself to spare you the hassle. Once I explained who I was, they listened to me rather well. LOL.

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