A Sweet Reunion

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So, funny story about his one. It was a request, but I read the request WRONG. It was ACTUALLY a request for a HUMAN Sammy x Reader! But all I had to see were the words "Sammy" and "Reader" and my Sammy-loving a$$ was over the moon, and I didn't even notice the human part!
Wow I'm an idiot!
So, here's this, just take it, idek. I may or may not have written the whole entire Human!Sammy x Reader today too sooo uhhh look out for that-


I sat back in the drivers seat of my car, cruising comfortably along down the streets I knew all-too-well. I had returned to my hometown for the weekend to visit with my parents, but now it was Sunday evening and I was on the way home. I passed a huge, decrepit, abandoned building without much thought until I got a few yards past it. Then, the faded sign along the front of the building finally registered in my mind: "JOEY DREW STUDIOS"
Suddenly, all the memories came flooding back. Working there as an intern, then finally being promoted to an animator, but having to quit so I could move in with my boyfriend in another state. That relationship eventually fell through, and I kicked him out and have lived in that house ever since. But now, here Joey Drew's was again: my first workplace; the place where I made so many memories, good and bad. What had happened to the place? I almost involuntarily swerved my car into a U-turn back toward the old studio. I had to find out.
As I parked my car in the huge parking lot next to the building, I kept thinking and remembering and wondering. The studio had been doing so well when I left, how could it have fallen through so quickly? I had only worked there some 9 or 10 years ago, and in that span of time it had gone from a shining beacon of creativity to a graveyard of dreams and memories. Something absolutely devastating must have happened to cause something like that, right?
I couldn't believe I was doing this. But here I was, getting out of my car at somewhere around 8 pm, about to enter this creepy abandoned animation studio where homeless people or escaped mental patients or serial killers hiding bodies or who knows who else could be hiding out. But, I had never been one for thinking things through. So, I walked up to the front door, placed my hand on the rusty handle, and turned it.
The door took some force to get open, apparently it hadn't been opened for a while. It creaked loudly as it gave way and allowed me to opened it. Immediately, I was practically slapped in the face with the stench of dust and rotting wood, but most strongly, ink. And I could see why; it was everywhere, even in the entry hallway.
What the heck...?
I glanced around, at the old Bendy and Boris posters on the wall as I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. Immediately I was met with the eerie silence of the abandoned building.
Well, no going back now.
I spent the next, who knew how long, cautiously creeping through the studio, picking up old memorabilia from the cartoons I used to work on and sadly reminiscing. I never seemed to get any closer to getting any answers though. Eventually I came across an audio recording of one of the old janitors, Wally Franks. He talked about ink pipes, and some sort of machine, and basically just dug me deeper into this mystery. As I explored, I found quite a few other audio tapes, and each one I quietly and curiously listened to. Meanwhile, I found myself quite disturbed by the various phrases I found written on the walls...
"Dreams Come True..."
"Who's Laughing Now?"
     As I walked, I felt myself getting more an more on edge. As if this place wasn't creepy enough without the ambiguous backstory and ominous wall writing.
Eventually I came upon a door that looked like any other, so I opened it. When I walked inside though, my eyes fell on a huge pentagram made of ink on the floor. There was a lit candle set at each point.
Lit. Candles.
Someone was here. Someone, probably not good.
I felt myself suddenly getting dizzy, and my knees buckled. My vision faded to black as I felt myself hit the ground.

Worth The Wait: Sammy Lawrence x Reader  (s m u t)Where stories live. Discover now