Petunia Evans

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Freya Mavor as Petunia Evans

Freya Mavor as Petunia Evans

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Please read, I think it's worth it.

Alright guys, I get a lot of different opinions in the comments of every chapter and I respect them, even if I don't agree with them, because we are all allowed to have different opinions and share them as long as we are not hurting anybody. But this is pissing me off.
I just didn't like the comments saying that this actress is too pretty to be Petunia. If you just don't see her as the character I get it, if you see already had in your her her as Marlene I get it, but I can't stand the point of "She is too pretty"
Fiona Shaw, the actress who portraits Petunia in the movies, is a beautiful woman.
I get that all of this comes from Harry's description of Petunia in the books, but he never says that she is ugly, he states physical traits that she has, and I don't think that it's fair that everyone assumes that those traits make a person "ugly".
I saw a looong time ago in a fan cast book a similar situation with Millicent Bullstrode (I can't remember how to write that correctly, I'm sorry) Where people fought over which actress portrayed her better according to their own personal opinion on how ugly each one was. That was one of the most awful and, honestly, disgusting thing I saw people do.
Luckily, things didn't get like that in my book, but I remember thinking back then, who can possibly go looking for people, based only on how good looking they are, chose the one that they think is less appealing and say, oh yeah, this one is perfect to play this character that is described as being hideous.
What the actual Hades people? That is soo not okay. So I'm sorry (not really) but I wasn't going to be looking through actresses and being like oh she's ugly, perfect for petunia. No. Just, no.
That is not what anybody should do, because also, who am I, or who are you, to say that someone is not pretty? Just because one person thinks that they are not, does that make them ugly? I think that it doesn't matter how many people think that you're ugly or pretty, at the end that it's just an opinion. What if fifty people think that you're ugly, fifteen think that you're pretty and three think that you are drop dead gorgeous?
Normal people have different bodies, face-shape, eye-shape, hair color, skin tone, eye-tone, mouth shape, etc. etc. And the combination of it all makes someone beautiful in their own way.
What about real people having some of petunia's traits reading this? Or reading her description and then knowing what people think of that? They might wrongly assume that they are not attractive because of this. And that is not true, the truth is that while some physical traits may be considered generally pretty, in the standardized concept of beauty that society has, that doesn't automatically make people who don't fit that scheme "ugly". They are still beautiful people.
I'm sure many here may agree on how attractive an actor/actress or singer may be, and I'm also sure that many others would disagree on that, because at the end we all have our own vision of beauty.
Beauty is not a solid, unchangeable, universal concept. Beauty comes in different ways and shapes for everyone.
Now, I know that I got too carried away with that and maybe it seems to off topic or exaggerated, and I'm going to make some statements about Petunia Evans in particular and the books, but I needed to share that first, not only for the ones that may be reading and can relate to not be "stereotypically beautiful", but for everyone to try and see things from a different point for at least just a sec.
Now. Another point that  I want to share is; In case you haven't noticed, we all read the books from Harry's perspective.
Why does that make all the difference?
Because Petunia is not a nice person, specially towards Harry. He loathes her. Thus, he may exaggerate her traits because in his eyes, she is probably way more awful. People are going to describe others in a more positive way if they like them. And truly, someone's personality contributes a lot to how they appear to others, and someone's shitty personality or attitude may overshadow their best or most attractive features.
And also, nasty people being ugly is not an unknown trait along the books, something that pops up a couple of times is the old "Good people are pretty, bad people are ugly".

Thanks for reading.

Also, I don't mean this as an attack to those who commented that she is too pretty, I told you to read this so I didn't have to copy and paste the note in all of your comments and so future people could just read it from the book, I still respect your opinion, I just wanted to share my own.

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