Regulus Black

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Lucas Jade Zumann as Regulus Black

Lucas Jade Zumann as Regulus Black

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I love how i once said that I didn't like writing author notes and now I'm writing them frequently lmao.

So, like I said in one of my comments, I saw an edit with Timothee Chalamet as Regulus and I loved it, so I really see why so many people like it. But, the thing about Lucas Zumann looking too young is kind of weird guys, I honestly don't know how old any of this actors are, but I do know that Zumann is a teenager and Chalamet must be on his twenties.

So, unless that the characters who I'm working on are kids or young teens, I don't choose my face claims based on the actors/ actresses age. I think that most of the people who write these kind of books doesn't, and Hollywood usually doesn't. From around 16 years old people just doesn't care about the age of the actress/actor who represents them (I don't think that this is a good thing btw but that is another topic, actually, I'm thinking about start a book with random opinions about subjects idk, let's keep going)

The thing is, people are used to see someone in their twenties portraying a teen, me included, and Timothee Chalamet doesn't look old, the edits that I saw where he was as Regulus used clips of him from movies that are from a couple of years ago tho, but the thing is that Lucas Zumann is in the same age rang as Regulus would be in his years at Hogwarts. Guys, he died at eighteen. He was a baby. And this actor doesn't have such a childish face according to his age, even if he does, a lot of people do! That's a normal thing and I think that people are just so used to see people on their twenties portraying teenagers that they forget that most of them don't look like that.

I'm not saying that Timothee Chalamet is too old to be Regulus, not at all, it would be hypocritical since my face claims in this books are mostly adults, even on the gifs that I used, that are mostly from movies or series from a years ago, they must have been in their early twenties probably. And both actors could work for the character, or maybe other actor that I don't know of, we all have our opinions.

My point is just that it's weird to me how can someone think that an actor looks too young to portrait a character who is the same age as the actor. I didn't read any comment here saying that specifically, but I did read comments saying that he could work for a younger regulus, which is not too far away from the first statement so my point is the same.

Anyways, I ended up writing more than planned lmao.

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