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I Turn Around And It's Lucas


He Takes His Hand Off Me and I Run To Lucas And I Get Behind Him

Mr. Allen- How Did You Get In Here

Lucas- Backdoor DUMBASS

Mr. Allen- Well I Wasn't Doing Anything

Lucas- Yeah Right

He pushes Him To The Wall and Pins Him

Lucas- The Next Time You Touch Her In Places I Swear I Will Hurt You So Bad You Won't Move For A Month Got It

Mr. Allen- I Uh

He Pins Him To The Wall and Pins Him

Lucas- The Next Time You Touch Her In Places I Swear I Will Hurt You So Bad You Won't Move For A Month Got It

Mr. Allen- I Uh

He Pins Him To The wall

Lucas- Got It

Mr. Allen- Got It

He Takes His Hands Off and Steps Back

Lucas- Good

He Looks At And Comes and Grabs My Wrist

Lucas- Come On Riley Let's Go

He Pulls Me Out Of the Classroom and He Drags Me Into the Closet

Lucas- Why Didn't You Yell Or Scream For Help You Should Be Lucky I Went To The Class and Scared Him

Riley- OK Thanks I Guess

Lucas- Your Welcome But You Owe Me

Riley- OK Fine

I Hear someone Opening The knob and Lucas Pins Me To The Wall and Puts His Face close To Mine And He Starts Doing Kissing Noises Than I Hear Someone Open the Door

Random Person- Eww Gross

The Person Leaves And Closes the Door

Lucas- OK Good He's Gone

He Pulls Away From My Face

Riley- Was That Necessary

Lucas- Yeah I Didn't Want To Be Seen With the Loser

Riley- Than Why Did You Make It Seem Like We Were Kissing

Lucas- That Person Didn't see Our Faces

Riley- OK Whatever I'm Going To Go

I Start To Leave But Than He Grabs My Hand

Riley- What

Lucas- I'm Sorry That I Call you A Loser

Riley- Bullshit You Tell Me I'm A Loser Than Say Sorry That's Bullshit Lucas Real Bullshit

Lucas- OK I Guess It Is Bullshit

Riley- OK I'm Leaving

I Leave The Closet Than Start Heading To The Lockers But I Bumb Into Someone

Riley- I'm So Sorry

I Look Up and It's Charlie

Charlie- It's Okay

Riley- Oh Hey Charlie I Haven't Seen You since Middle School

Charlie- Yeah

I Leave The Closet and I See Riley and Charlie Gardner Talking Oh Great I Remember Him He Asked Out Riley In Middle School For the Semi Formal and I Got Jealous Wait Am I Jealous Now No I Hate Riley Don't I...  I Guess I Have Mixed Feelings Now

Charlie- So How's Everything


Riley- Great

Charlie- Cool

The Bell Rings

Riley- Uh We Should Go To Class

Charlie- Yeah

We Go To Class and We Take Our Seats

Hate To Love RucasWhere stories live. Discover now