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We Were At the Hospital My Ma was Talking to the Doctors Outside Of Riley's Room While I Was Sitting Next to the Bed She was Laying In

Lucas- I'm Sorry Riley I Thought You Was Better And I Guess you Weren't

I Hold Her Hand

Lucas- Please Wake If you Died That Means I'll Go Deaf Because I Won't Hear your Voice Ever Again And I'll Go Blind Because I Won't Ever See you Again Please Wake Up Riley I Love you

I Cry Softly I Hear A Sigh I Look At Riley Her Eyes Open

Riley- Lucas

Lucas- Riley you're Awake Thank God You're Awake

Riley- Lucas I Just want to Let you Know If I Die I Want you To Be Happy And Find Someone Else

Lucas- No Riley Don't Say that

Riley- Lucas I Have Too Who Knows If I Die Cause Of Eating Disorder

Lucas- You Won't Died Cause Of It No Matter What I'll Help You With It I Love you

I Kiss Her Cheek

Riley- I Love you Too Lucas

Lucas Riley I Want you to survive this

Riley- As Long As You Stay with Me I'll Try To Survive

We Smile At Each Other Than My Ma Walks In

Helen- Riley I Called your Mother She Said She's Coming in A Week You and your Brother Auggie Are Going To Live With Her In California

Riley- California

Helen- I'm Afraid So I'll Let you And Lucas Talk

She Leaves

Lucas- No you Can't Go To California

Riley- I Have No Choice Lucas

Lucas- You're Not Better yet And I Still Need you

Riley- I Need you Too Lucas

Lucas- It's Not Like We Can Have A Long Distance Relationship

Riley- I Know Lucas

Lucas- At Least Promise Me you'll Call Or Text Me Everyday

Riley- I Promise Lucas

She Sits Up

Lucas- Also I Want you Not to Hang With Midst

Riley- This Again

Lucas- Yes You Don't Have To Be Missy Best Friend So She Can Stop A Rumor

Riley- I'll Think About It

Lucas- OK Can I See your Arm Again

Riley- Fine

I Look At Her Wrist And I Kiss Her Cuts

Riley- Why Do you Kiss My Cuts

Lucas- I Want You To Know That I'm Here For You

I Kept Kissing Her Wrist Than To Her Shoulder Than Her Neck And Finally Their Lips

Any Ideas

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