What is Going On?

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Dirk’s POV

Alright so I’ve done some weird shit in my life, but I’m pretty sure this takes the cake. After Jake decided to be and asshole, again, I broke up with him, again, this time for good… or at least until he got his head out of his ass because I’m a sap like that.

But all in all that was pretty par for the course, what made this shit weird was the fact that the person who found and talked to me was one of the older trolls. You know the ones who had been dead for several millennia at least? So here’s this gray dude in a fucking leather jacket, who looks like he stepped of the cover of Grease or maybe the Outsiders. He didn’t seem bothered when I started shouting about how much of a dick Jake was and seemed sympathetic about it.

Eventually I realized we were on a beach that was, considering this looked like nothing I’ve ever seen, a more troll centered part of this place. I was still raging and my face had to be red by now when his hand came up to my face and sort of lightly smacked me. His other hand had gotten a hold of my shoulder and he pulled me into a sort of half hug, I was too shocked to pull away and honestly he felt sort of nice.

He was frigid to the touch, something I didn’t know how to react to. Must be his natural temperature. Eventually I realized I had relaxed, he was sitting on the sand and I had rested my head on the junction of his shoulder near what looked like gills. My breathing was still sharp and angry, but he was rubbing my back and letting out a weird rusty, bubbly, clicking noise.

All in all it was alien and confusing and surprisingly comforting. I sighed and relaxed and just let him murmur in what sounded like their language, but modified. It sounded like what Rose said whenever she spoke in the ‘Fester Tongues’. Coming from him however it didn’t sound threatening it sounded soothing, like he was trying to comfort me.

I huffed when his hands stilled, one tangled in my hair while the other just rested on my back, “Feeling any better?”

“Loads actually,” I muttered.

I could feel a rumble in his chest and heard a sharp laugh come from him, “Didn’t know if that would work, considering it’s not something humans do.”

“Well congratulations, I am even weirder now. I am officially able to be comforted by an alien fish,” I said dryly.

“Not my fault you looked like you were about to pass out,” He said letting out a much more sarcastic laugh than before.

“That would have been acceptable, but not preferred,” I told him.

I groaned when a sharp pain shot through my skull, “And now for a migraine, what a perfect day.”

“Come here,” He muttered turning me until I was settled on his lap with both legs hanging over the side.

His arm stayed behind my back supporting me and I didn’t know what he was up to this time. His other hand came up to my head and he started to massage my temple. It felt nice; his hands were better than any ice pack and moved of their own accord. My eyes were fluttering shut and I let out a sigh.

If this was some sort of weird ass alien courting thing I would have to find out what it entailed because I’m pretty sure I could deal with hanging around this attractive weirdo every day.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when his fingers tapped my shades, a question in and of itself. I wrinkled my nose before reaching up and captchaloging them. His fingers moving to massage the sore parts of my nose and ears where the shades had dug in over the years. I let out a satisfied hum, this felt really nice. I was surprised when his fingers trailed down to massage my jaw; I hadn’t even noticed that I held it that stiff.

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