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You laid on your bed and stared at the ceiling dreading getting up. Today was going to be hell. You hated what it would bring but you gave yourself a deadline. Nat and Wanda set a date right before your lousy boyfriend left for his last mission. He was with shield and was a decent agent but no Avenger, although he constantly said that he belonged on the team instead of you. Bucky heard him before he left and Nat held him back and that's when the intervention occurred leading to the current predicament that you were in

You were in the kitchen getting a cup of coffee when you heard the light step of Bucky behind you. "We gotta talk doll." You loved that Brooklyn accent and when it started to come out was when his nightmares started to give way about six months ago. Bucky said it was thanks to you and staying with him and chasing the nightmares away. You'd take the credit if it meant hearing that accent. A blush rose to your cheeks but when you turned and saw him with Nat and Wanda you knew it wasn't good.

"Uh oh, what did I do?"  He held his arms across his chest. "Nothing. Nothing at all. We're----" Nat stepped in and made her was closer to you. "We think that Chase ...Hun he's  not good for you." You looked down knowing that they were right. He was an ass asshole and he has wiggled in your life but you needed him. I mean you couldn't do any better. He was it. "I-I know...I just...I'm a mess. I'll get my shit together. Did he say something to you guys or something? I mean is he mad?"

Bucky was the first to speak up. "Are you fucking kidding me?"  You flinched at his words and he saw and walked towards the wall, knowing that he was too worked up to be near you. Wanda came over and hugged you. "You're perfect. We didn't mean it like that. We meant that he's not good enough for you. He's manipulative and abusive and you need to get out of this relationship. You're better than this" She rubbed your arms. 

You shook your head and ran to your room and slammed the door. Bucky was quick to follow. "Go away Bucky."  He just silently snatched you up into his arms. "Doll. I can't watch you with him. I see how he talks to you and when he said he's a better agent..fuck that! You're the best agent I know. If he does that shit in front of us. I can only imagine what he's done to you behind doors. Doll....what's he done to you.?" You just wept into his shoulder, defeated and utterly humiliated. 

That was when Wanda and Nat came in and all of you decided on the breakup deadline. 

So currently you were dreading just that. You rolled out of bed with a groan having just returned from your own mission with some rough bumps and bruises. After some pep talks from your team members, you were trying to become your old self. It's amazing how much 3 short months can ravage someone's self-esteem when in the company of the wrong person. It wasn't something a week could fix even with the worlds mightiest heroes in your corner. Steve wanted you to talk to the team therapist to which you rolled your eyes. You've seen your entire family survive the war and the military and no one had to go to therapy you sure as hell weren't. You would find your own way out of his mess.

The truth was you were in love with Bucky but knew it would never happen. When you joined the team it was damn near broken and you just wanted to be there for everyone in whatever way you could. Especially Bucky. You helped him acclimate and with his nightmares and before you knew it you were in so deep you were drowning. What would a man like him want with a woman like you? 

 So when Chase asked you out, you though what the hell, sure. Terrible idea.  It started off small with tiny insults about your outfits or size. Then came performance at work or in the bedroom. Manipulation. Then came the rough handling, he would grab your arm when you went out and were walking too slow. At the galas, if you spoke with Bucky, Steve or anyone too long he would get rough with you in the elevator. Easy to hide the bruises in your line of work. No one knew, you still hadn't spoken about it, you knew if you did the seventh ring would let loose on the tower. 

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