Chapter 2

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"We're back!" The man exclaims when we enter what I assume is the same building we were in before, although I can't see anything because he put the blindfold back on me after we left Walmart.

"Take that thing off of the poor girl, Chris." A semi familiar voice said in response.

"But-" 'Chris' tries to object, but is interrupted by the same voice

"Do as I say." The voice demands. I hear Chris mumble a few choice words under his breath before removing my blindfold to reveal a beautiful modern mansion.

"Wow." I say to myself as I look all around me.

"Do you like it?" The voice, whom I recognize as the other man from the tampon incident asks.

"Yea, um. I guess you could say this isn't what I was expecting." I admit, not wanting to warm up to my kidnapper.

"What were you expecting?"

"Honestly, a run down warehouse in the middle of nowhere."

"Well, I'm glad your new home is to your liking." He says, me not sure of what response he's expecting, so I just remain silent.

"My name is Wayne. I work for a website called YouTube. I'm sure you know what that is." He continues after a moment of uncomfortable silence, me nodding my head in response. "Good, then I'm sure you know of an account by the name of 'The Dolan Twins'" He adds, looking me straight into the eye while smirking.

I try to think back to videos I've watched in the past. Dolan Twins? I don't remember watching any twins. I shake my head in response.

"Well, they're two 17 year old brothers who make videos on YouTube."

"OK." I say, not exactly sure what he wants me to do with this information.

"Your job, my dear, is to make one of them fall in love with you." He begins with a bit of laughter in his voice. "And then break his heart." He finishes, the laughter finally breaking through.

"Why?" I ask, still trying to find an ounce of sanity or compassion in this man.

"Because if you don't, I'll kill you."

"Kill me then. Who will you have to do this for you after I'm dead?" I snap, hoping his threat wasn't serious.

"Very well, I'll just kill one of those boys I have locked up instead." Wayne remarks, somehow knowing my weak spot.

"How do I know you haven't killed them already?" I say, not sure who if I'm trying to convince Wayne, or myself that they're still alive.

"They still serve a purpose to me." He replies, showing me the surveillance footage of the disgusting room I was trapped in before.

I remain silent, trying to think about what is going on. My mind is spinning, and I know I shouldn't make any decisions right now, but, with the boys in mind, I agree.

"Fine." I mutter barely loud enough for Wayne to hear.

"Marvelous! I'll show you to your room." He says before leading me up the winding staircase into a beautiful bedroom with a giant bed. "This is your new room. If either of the boys ask, you're a foster child who'll be staying here for a while. This is your phone." He starts, handing me the rectangular device. "I have access to all of your apps on my phone, I can track this phone wherever you go, and I can hear whatever you say. I also have cameras throughout the house, and I know when an exterior door is opened and closed, so don't try to tell the boys anything, because I will know right away, and I will severely punish you." He adds, being vaigley threatening.

"Why are you doing this to them? What have the Dolan twins done to deserve this?" I ask, still trying to find that ounce of compassion and sanity.

"It's not what they've done, my dear. It's what I can do to them."

I have no idea what that means, but I'm not going to question it, because frankly, I'm terrified of Wayne. I have no idea what he's capable of, and I don't plan on finding out.

"Fine, I'll do it." I begin. Wayne's smile growing. "On one condition." Wayne's smile disappears as he gives me a questioning look.

"What condition is that?"

"Brandon and Apollo get to live up here too." I say, cross-armed, letting him know I mean business.

"Absolutely not."

"Fine then. I won't do it.

"I'll kill them." Wayne warns again, an evil smile spreading across his face.

"If you kill them, then I won't have any reason to do this for you at all, will I?"

Wayne sighs, knowing I'm not going to budge.

"You're a stubborn one, aren't you?" He begins, rubbing his temples with his fingers. "The twins would be confused as to why two random boys are in our house, would they not?" Wayne rebuts, trying to find a way to talk me out of it.

"Just tell them they're foster kids too. It would be less weird if it was all of us living here instead of just us two anyway."

Wayne sighs again, hanging his head in defeat. "I'll go get them."

I begin to follow him downstairs to the finished basement, him only noticing me after he turns the corner and putting his hand on the wall directly under the top of the stairs.

"You can't follow me."

"Why not?"

"You can't know where I hide people. Where's Chris?" Wayne says, beginning to sound angry. Chris comes running down the stairs and grabs my arm once he's close enough.

"Take her upstairs, and keep her there." Wayne tell him, trying to keep his cool. Chris simply nods and leads me back into the living room. A few minutes later, Wayne emerges from the basement with Brandon and Apollo

"Guys!" I yell excitedly, running up to hug them. Wayne lead us back to the couch, and began to tell the boys his plan. As he was talking, Apollo looks at me with sad eyes. I grab his hand and give it a firm squeeze. I guess Chris saw because he let out a loud- and obviously fake- cough. When Wayne was done telling the boys what to do, Apollo pulled me aside.

"Why are you doing this, Grace?" He asks, obviously not on board with the whole, let another guy fall in love with me deal. Brandon must've realized we were gone, because he then joins us.

"I'm sorry. It's not that I want to. He told me he'd kill you guys if I didn't. I didn't know what else to do." I try to explain, hoping that this would ease the tension.

"It's ok. Maybe this will help us find a way out." Brandon proposed, trying to hold on to the sliver of hope he has left.

Apollo nods slowly before pulling Brandon and I in for a hug.

Tears threaten to escape my eyes. I don't want to do this. Not to my boys, and not to the twins I haven't even met yet. As Chris and Wayne start to break up our hug, the tears begin to flow. I try to tell them again "I'm so sorry."

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