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"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Namjoon screamed, trying to drown out your howling, but he couldn't manage to be louder than your powerful howl. It was too strong.

The howl quieted, and you could feel your body shaking, not from fear but from the rawness of everything you felt. You knew now that this was the howl Namjoon had been trying to elicit from your when he first kidnapped you. It was a roar of power and control, and you could feel the others being drawn towards you. Help was on its way.

"How dare you?" Namjoon growled, moving closer to you.

You made sure Bambam was completely behind you, especially since he seemed all wide-eyed and dazed. "What? Isn't that what you wanted from me? Didn't you want me to call the others here so you could trap them or kill them?"

Namjoon didn't respond, only clenching his jaw.

"Or was that the old plan? Since I bested you and got away, you thought it would just be better to kill me first and then trick the others?" You started circling around Namjoon, trying to take control of the situation. You only had to distract the werewolf hunters until the others could find you. Until then you had to act strong and confident, even though you felt unstable and woozy.

Namjoon's face suddenly relaxed. "Fine, if you want to play it this way, I'll just have to kill you and your little dog, too."

"Bambam, stay behind me," you ordered. "If you want to get to him, you'll have to get to me first."

"Do you really think you're strong enough to protect both him and you?" Namjoon looked you up and down. "Your legs are quivering, and you're paler than the moon. I could probably push you over with a pinky, and you'd collapse. Is it really worth the torture you'll go through."

Damn. You were hoping he wouldn't be able to see through your façade, but you couldn't break now. "I may look weak, but be careful about underestimating me."

He's right, Bambam thought. You don't look very good. Don't do this for me, please, y/n. I don't want you hurt.

You tried to ignore Bambam. You knew he was just trying to protect you, but that was your job as alpha. You had to protect those around you. Besides, you knew no matter what you did, Namjoon wasn't going to let you live, so you weren't about to give in so easily. At least if you stalled him enough, maybe the others would arrive in time to help you.

"It's hard to underestimate someone who's so weak to begin with." Namjoon pulled out a gun, pointing it at you.

You gulped. If he attacked you with his bare hands or even a knife, you would at least have a chance. With a gun, there was no running away, no dodging. You were actually scared now. "Let me guess, that thing is loaded with silver bullets? Isn't that a bit of a cliché?" Keep him talking. Just keep him talking.

Namjoon burst out laughing. "Silver bullets? You really don't know much about werewolves, do you? Of course silver bullets are just fairytales. A silver bullet doesn't do any extra damage than a regular bullet. However, a regular bullet, especially one to the head, does plenty of damage. You may be stronger as a werewolf, but you're not immortal." Namjoon unlocked the safety on the gun.

Your heart was about to burst. You were running out of time, and he was right. There was no way you'd be able to fight a bullet.

"Any last words?" Namjoon grinned, taking a step closer.


You glanced behind you, shocked by who said that. It was V, and his crossbow was pointing to the ground.

"Excuse me?" Namjoon sassed, not moving the gun.

V stepped forward, shaking a little. "She's right. They haven't done anything wrong to deserve to be killed. We've watched them. We've watched all of them, and they are innocent."

A Lone Wolf • Mark Tuan Where stories live. Discover now