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Ben's POV

Things had already been weird when he thought I was an illusion, but then they got even worse.

Harry was running at me with pure hate in his eyes and a sword in hand, In complete honesty, I didn't know what to do I mean I'm supposed to get on his good side but I also don't want to die of massive blood loss.

before I could make up my mind Harry was tackled to the ground by the last person I would have anticipated.

"GIL? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Harry said his blue eyes still locked on me.

"I'm sorry Harry but I can't let you do that he has something to say that you need to hear."

"I don't care what he has to say I want that asshole to pay for what he's DONE!"

I took a deep breath and hope I don't make this worse "Even if what I have to say could help you find her?"

His eyes were locked on mine a mix of shock and something that I couldn't quite make out.

"I don't need anything from your rich ass. I know why you are here, you want to help us so it will make you look better in front of those cold, heartless, and perfect fools."

Maybe he was right, maybe I did want to better my image I've done almost everything to make myself look good as a future king. My thoughts were put on hold when Gil spoke.

"Harry, I know you don't like him trust me I hate every breath he TAKES!; but we need him if we are going to find her."

"WE DON'T NEED ANYTHING FROM HIM WE HAVE MANAGED JUST FINE WITHOUT HIM!!!" Harry's outbursts had startled my guards which almost made me laugh...almost.

"HARRY WAKE UP! don't you think between the crew and most of the Isle we would have found something by now!?"

Harry was silent.

"I know you don't like this man hell I don't like it either, but she needs us...

It was silent again, at this point I thought we would be here forever with all the disagreements that were happening between us.

to my surprise, it was still silent Harry hadn't responded to Gil instead he just stayed quiet, Gil was the one who finally broke it.

"Are you ready to talk now, or will I have to keep sitting on your back through the whole exchange?"

"Fine, I will listen, now get off me your three dozen egg ass is heavy."

A smirk crossed Gil's face as he let Harry up.

Me and Harry now looking at each other, well he was glaring at me. I didn't want to be rude but I just wanted to say what I had to offer and he could listen plus I had a headache due to all the yelling.

"Here is what I propose, I will help you look for Uma I will give you a ship as many as you want and my men will be looking for her as well on land and the water-

"I appreciate this but my crew has turned the Isle upside down and we haven't found even the smallest clue... she might be outside the shield."

Uma x Harry LostWhere stories live. Discover now