If I knew, that One Day She'll Come.

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Scene Date: May 6, 2xxx

How long has it been?

How much time do I still need?

How can I still go on like this?

"Maybe it's for the best, Tink... I mean... He is right... If you both continue this charade you'll end up getting hurt." Rosetta comforted the blonde fairy as she drank another round of berry water. "Cheer up, Tink!" She smiles positively hugging her emotionless friend.

"I loved him, Rosetta... And I can't lie that I still want him." She said to the nature fairy, her eyes the mixture of anger and sadness.

She was heartbroken, the painful truth just hit her the night Terrence left her. The night when she cried herself to sleep memories flashed. When he would promise that he would never hurt her, never abandon her.

"Sometimes you have to let go in order--"

"ROSETTA! CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND! THE MAN FELL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE!" Tinkerbell slammed her cup and yelled, her face red with anger, her eyes widened. The nature fairy looked around in fear as other customers started walking out of the bar.

The redhead calmed her down, "Tink... C-Calm down... Shh..." Tinkerbell was breathing in a fast way still glaring at Rosetta. "You knew, didn't you?" Tinkerbell spat.

"W-What?! Me?! No...!" She said innocently barely even looking at Tink's blue eyes. "Liar." She said sternly.

Rosetta was shocked. She knew alright. She knew how much Silvermist has suffered throughout the years, how much pain Terrence and Tinkerbell gave her when they left her out of the conversation or just plain forget about her. Stupid Silvermist, fell in love with Terrence when she already knew that they liked each other. She already knew that she had no chance to be with him but she went along with it instead.

"All this time... You didn't even tell me. And you said you were 'my friend'!" She yelled back, "T-Tink--"

"No! You lied to me!" She yelled again throwing one of the cups at her, luckily Rosetta blocked.

"What's going on here?!" Both fairies looked at the fairy in the doorframe, her blue wings shining against the moonlight in her background. Tinkerbell's fists clenched, marching up to her, her palm came in contact with her pale face.

"You call yourself a friend, you lying bitch?!" She yelled pulling her by her blue hair, "I-I'm sorry--"

"I'm sorry? I'm sorry?! Is that what's all you're going to say?!" Tinkerbell was hurt, that she doesn't even care if they're causing a scene. What Silvermist did was the worst thing she could have ever done.

"I was happy! We were happy! Terrence and I!" She cried slapping her again, "I trusted you! I treated you like a sister!" She yells, her tears falling.

" I love him and he loved me!" She pulled her once more by the hair and dragged her to the table, throwing her over the counter. Silvermist's lips had been cut and started bleeding, her blue hair was a mess and she had bruises around her arms from shielding herself from her 'bestfriends' slaps.

"Aren't you going to say something, you whore!?" She spilt berry water on her face. "You were so happy for us. You even told me to go ahead with declaring with him..." She continued on, the blunette walked around the counter and tried to hug her friend that had broken up.

"Get off me!" Her forceful pushed caused Silvermist to fall on the ground. "Y-You don't know... What it feels like... To die everyday... You don't know..." She cries looking up at her blonde friend. "Y-You don't understand... How painful it is to watch the person you love become someone else's... I admit... I was wrong... It was the worst of me... But Tink... I'm also a fairy! I make mistakes!"

"You have no idea how long I stood in the background... For days..."

"It hurts so much!" She thumped her chest, where her heart was located. "I was crying... Everyday..." She wiped those betrayal tears, "trust me... I-I did try to not love him back... I-I did..." She sobs.

Tinkerbell kneeled down, her hands resting on her knees. She swung her hand back and slapped her again right across the face. "You had a choice..." Was all the tinker fairy said before walking out the door.

"What have I done...? What have I done...?" She repeatedly chanted, Rosetta ran up to her and hugged her tightly rocking her side to side as her friend fell apart in front of her brown eyes. She sobbed, she cried and she yelled.

She is right. What has she done?

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