★ INTERLUDE: warmest regards, eleanor

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September 3rd, 1943


          It feels like an eternity has passed since I last wrote to you — you'll have to forgive me, the wounded of the 107th keep me busy day and night. In Italy, I've seen injuries more gruesome than I had thought possible, although I'll spare you the details. You never were one for gore, and I'm beginning to think that you were on to something, Howie. Regardless, I'm genuinely glad to help the unit however and whenever I can. It feels as though I'm making a difference again.

          To answer your questions: Yes, I received your last few letters. No, I will not be sharing the serum's formula, nor will I allow another Super Soldier to be created. I've already reviewed the new candidates laid out by Senator Brandt and they are, to put it nicely, an underwhelming bunch. They are either mindless soldiers, awful people, or simply driven by hatred nothing like Steve Rogers. Dr. Erskine would agree with my decision to let him be the last, and only, success of the program. And if you plan on searching my apartment for the serum's formula, I'll save you the trouble by letting you know that it is saved only in my mind.

          I hope you are well, and I hope you are staying out of trouble. Especially with your inventions — I know better than most that your creations have a penchant for being accidentally dangerous. I hope you're making progress on the Manhattan Project too. Do you really think that it can help us end the war, whatever it is?

          I'm doing quite well, save for my lack of sleep. Honestly, I'm happier than I've been in a while. James and I have grown much closer, though I'm not sure if that's for the best. He's charming, funny, and the two of you would certainly get along well, but this war is so unpredictable. Not everyone can heal like I can, and I'm constantly worried he might get injured. Or worse. And even if he survives, he doesn't know about my abilities. I have no plans to tell him yet. What if I never age? What if I can never have kids? What sort of life could we have?

          Anyway, I'm glad to hear that Steve and Peggy are both doing well. The two of them would make a nice couple, wouldn't they? Steve seems to be fond of her. Please keep me updated on those two, I'd love to know if he ever does ask her to dance. She'd certainly say yes.

         I can't wait for this war to end. I really do miss you. Hopefully, we'll see each other soon.

Warmest regards,

( hi! this is super experimental, i was thinking of adding in interludes, mostly in letter format? maybe it would be cute? please lmk what you guys think! )

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