-Elise's pov-
I just got home from a photo shoot for my new album 'A new destination part.1' and its currently 1am. My manager, Amalia Parker, told me that she would send me the pictures so that I can choose which one I want to use as the cover of the album. When I entered the house, everything was quiet and you could almost hear a feather fall on the floor. I guess Celina and James are already asleep since it's late and I should maybe also go to bed. I walked over to my room and got changed into my comfortable pajama. I then quickly but quietly tip toed down to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and hurriedly got upstairs again and plopped down on my bed.
Next day
The next day I woke up at 11am to the delicious smell of (most likely) Celina's cooking. I rushed inside my bathroom, took a shower, did my morning routine and got dressed in a light blue crop top with white shorts and adidas superstars before sprinting downstairs to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, I saw a half asleep half awake James with his head on the counter and an energetic and happy Celina at the stove.

"Good morning!" I happily exclaimed and sat down next to James who now had a coffee placed in front of him.

"Oh good morning Eli! Did you sleep well?" Celina greeted and placed a plate with pancakes in front of me. I nodded and took a bite then another one and another one until everything left was my plate.
My phone rang and I groaned before picking it up.
(A=Amalia E=Elise)
A: Hey Eli! We need you at the studio like right now!
E: Eh? Why?
A: Because we need to discuss your new album, which songs you will perform at the AMA's and the BBMA's, your music videos for 'A big step','Today' and 'Don't stop' and your outfits for the MV's and award shows. So you better hurry over here!
E: *Sigh* Okay. I'll be there in 10 minuets Amalia.

Then I hung up and dashed upstairs to my room and grabbed my purse and phone. I sprinted downstairs again, said bye to Celina and James and ran over to my car. In less than 6 minuets I already arrived at the studio and began my journey inside. Not so easy with the crowd of paparazzis and/or fans. Once inside, Amalia already stood there with the whole crew and waited for me.

"Oh my god! Elise we have to hurry! Your schedule for today and tomorrow is going to be very packed so I hope you have gotten enough sleep" She rushed me to the elevator along with the crew and pressed the button for the 10th floor where my practice room, recording room, break room, etc.

"Okay Eli, first we have to chose your outfits for your MV's, then at 11am we have to begin with the MV shooting for 'A big step'. At 6pm we have to discuss which songs you will sing at the BBMA's and AMA's. Then we have to discuss your cover for the new album" Amalia listed up as she looked at her tablet in her hands. I nodded and we began with the MV outfits. At 11am we headed over to where we would film the first MV.

"Eli! Hurry up! We got 10 minuets to get your outfit, hair and makeup done" James dragged me over to where he was before I could take a look at the film set.

"SUMMER! GET HER OUTFIT!" He yelled over all the staff and crew members.

"Well, hello to you too mister. When did you get here?" I giggled as he gave me a playful glare and showed me down on the chair before he began with my makeup and hair.

"Whatever Eli. And btw I came here directly after Amalia send me which outfit you chose so I could prepare it" He stated with a proud smile plastered on his face. I hummed in response and after about 4 minuets he was done with my hair and almost done with my makeup.

"Aaaaaaaand done! Now hurry up and get dressed" He ushered me towards a small changing room and Summer dumped my outfit in my hands. I rolled my eyes at them playfully before I began to change. After I changed, I walked out to the set and we began to film.

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