Chaappteerr 6: Sparks Fly!;D

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Are Harry and Crystal becoming a... THING! This chapter has a lot of flirting too! I'm trying to write this chapter in one night! Lovee Youu Guyys<3:* This is Another Favorite Chapter!:D Enjoy!:D xoxo


I woke up in a blur. Everything around me was unfamiliar and spinning.

I tried to look for a clock, but I couldn't find one before I fell back asleep again and this time when I woke up, I saw the faces of Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis, Nikki, and Liam surrounding me. 

They all were all testing different things trying to get me to wake up. Zayn was tapping my shoulder repeatedly, which was really annoying by the way.

Nikki was screaming my name over and over again like she was going to lose me. Liam was sitting on his phone texting. Louis was tickling my feet which I couldn't even feel because they were tingley and numb.

Niall was sitting by my bedside waiting patiently for me to wake up, which I really appreciated by the way and then there was Harry. Ohh, Harry! He was laying next to me holding a wet cloth to my head and holding my cold, moist hand.

I was very thankful to have Harry and Niall around, but everyone else, yes including you Nikki, I love you, but really?

Anyways, as I was saying, everyone else was sort of... There's really no nice way to say this... ANNOYING ME TO DEATH AND I WAS HALF ASLEEP!!!

My head was cloudy and my voice was croaky as I spoke with my eyes closed.

"You guys are nuts!" I mumbled. Everyone starting to burst out laughing, including me even though my head pounded from the shots of pain rushing to my head.

"What happened back there?" Harry asked me with concern as I started to sit up.

"I- I don't know. All I remember is you saying that you loved me and then everything was pitch black and I couldn't breathe. What happened when I fell? If I did fall.." My voice was hesitant.

"I caught you, like I always will..." He looked down. I cupped his chin into my hands and stared into his dreamy green eyes.

"Listen to me." I said in a serious tone. I flipped my hair out of my face.

"I love you too." I blushed and turned away. He turned my face back around and out of nowhere... He kissed me!!! In front of EVERYONE!

It was at least a 2 minute kiss that I would never forget.

After the kiss, I played with his hair for a while and then I heard a big "AWWWEEE!" It was coming from "the people over there."

"Can we have some privacy please?" I batted my long curly lashes as they all filed out of the room.

"So what should we do now?" I asked.

"Hmm... How about this?" He wrapped his hands around my shoulders and knocked me over. Then, he tickled me over and over again.

I giggled.

"STOP! I CAN'T- HARR- STY- AHHAHHHAHAHAHHA!!!" I finally gained the strength to push him off of my legs and flipped him onto his back.

It was my turn! I tickled him and then rolled him onto the floor.

"If I'm going down, you're coming down with my one way or another!"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the floor. I laughed and then laid on the ground as looked up at the mint green ceiling. I realized I was in my room.

The posters of celebrities, the polka dot bed with the matching bean bag, the decorated closet, a teal fuzzy rug, and more!

I turned over to look at Harry and he was looking at me. He put his hand on his head so that his elbow was on the ground.

His muscles flexed and for the first time i noticed that he had a long cast on his leg and his crutches were leaning against the mint green wall.

"Are you okay?"

He was probably waiting for that question because he answered like he had rehearsed it, "Yeahh, I have to keep it on for at least 6 weeks..." He shook his head of curly brown hair and his green eyes looked melancholy.

I didn't know what to say so I just leaned in and kissed him to make him feel better. His lips were so soft against mine. It just felt sooo... Right. He smiled at me and my face got red.

We just sat there for a while in that position, hoping the world would make a decision for us to tell us when to move, when to talk, when to hear.

I drowned out all the sounds around us and just paid attention to him. The way his eyes shined, the way his teeth sparkled, the way---...

"Hello? Are we going to get this show on the road? Everyone's getting impatient."

Nikki was at the door and I know how she gets when she's impatient. I looked at the clock. It was only 9:30 P.M. so I suggested that we should see a late night movie.

We all agreed on a movie called, "The One and Only."

It had humor and romance (specifically designed for Harry and I, I guess I could add Nikki and Niall in there, they were starting to become two LoveBirds like Harry and I) at the same time.

I was happy that Nikki and Niall were getting along so well. Harry guided me out of the room just to make sure that I wouldn't faint again. I told him I was okay.

When we all got packed in the car (well except for Harry and I because of his leg, he got to sit in the back of the car with lots of open room and well I just sat back there with him because... well, I really didn't know what we are), we headed for the movies.

Everybody else had to pile in. Louis drove, Zayn sat in the passenger seat, Nikki and Niall sat in the back (flirting of course), Liam sat next to Niall, and Harry and I sat in the back-back of the mini van.

When we were all relaxed and in the car I shouted, "Ooo, Niall and Nikki. I guess were aren't the only LoveBirds in this car and if I knew any better I would think Niall's stealing away my best friend!"

We all laughed and Nikki and Niall blushed. Before we would go to the movies, we had to go pick up Louis and Liam's girlfriends, Eleanor (Louis girlfriend) and Danielle (Liam's girlfriend).

I was super excited to do something with Harry, his friends and Nikki! After we picked each of them up, Eleanor squeezed in the back-back with me and Harry and Danielle sat on Liam's lap in the back.

The two girls were very friendly and funny. I knew that we would all get along just fine. As we came across the movie theater, the girls and I decided to pull a little prank on the guys. Me, Nikki, Eleanor, and Danielle ran out of the car and into the theater as fast as little legs could carry us!

Then we received are tickets and as Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam came up the elevator we screamed, "HEY EVERYBODY, IT'S ONE DIRECTION!!!"

You wouldn't believe how many people turned around and jumped on top of them. Poor Harry. Wait, his leg! I galloped through the mob and spotted Harry's brown curls and green eyes.

I could see he was hurting. I reached for his hand and grabbed him! We limped away and I saw Danielle and Eleanor rolling around on the floor. After the guys signed about 200 autographs we quickly jogged into the theater.

I stayed behind and helped Harry. We bought popcorn, some slushies, soft drinks, and candy. It was around 11:00 when our butts hit the cushiony velet seats.

I gave each of the guys 3D glasses so that they couldn't be recognized that well i the dark. I sat in between Harry and Nikki. My two favorite people!

As the movie started, Harry wrapped his arm around me and I secretly blushed in the dark atmosphere.

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