Chaappterr 8: Besties No Moree?:o

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In this chapter, Nikki and Crystal get into a HUGE fight! Will the two best friends from kindergarten last? Enjoy:D xoxo


I awoke in Niall's arms. His shirt was off. I felt uncomfortable so I slowly lifted up his arm and moved to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked in the mirror. I looked a hot mess!

My hair was in a messy bun, my mascara was running, and my clothes were half way off. After I freshened up, I went back to the living room to find Niall rubbing his head in confusion. "H-hey, Niall." I took a seat on the couch with my legs in criss-cross applesauce.

"Hi!" He kissed me, but I broke it off by turning away.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked coming closer.

"This just doesn't feel right... I mean with Nikki being my best friend and all... Well, used to be, but it doesn't matter because I know that we still both care about her and she still cares about us! What happened last night was a mistake, but not with you Niall and that's the thing that's killing me... I think I'm starting to fall for you..." I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my mouth.

"I think... I am too." Niall admits.

I tried not to smile, but it was hard not to because of those deep, ocean blue eyes.

"Before we do anything, I'll try to talk to Nikki and you try to talk to Harry." Then, I leaned in to kiss him, but stuck my tongue out instead.

"Wanna come over to my house because I need to take a shower and change." I asked smelling myself in disgust.

"My mom's probably wondering where I am anyways..."

"Sure, but let me shower first and get ready." Niall replied.

While he ran up his perfectly curved stairs to take a shower, I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Unfortunately, the news popped up. As I was about to turn the station, I saw Harry on the screen so I froze in absolute silence.

He was walking out of the limo with Nikki by his side... WHAT?!

I threw my face on a pillow and screamed into it as loud as I possibly could. Niall must've heard because he came down as soon as my lungs were about to give out. My tears stained the pillow and Niall patted my back in a circular motion.

Oh, how I was happy to have him here with me. By my side. I tucked my hand in his as I caught a glimpse of the screen. They were heading into Nikki's house.

I shot up and wiped away my bitter tears.

"N-Nia-Niall?" I cried in between sobs.

"Yes?" He answered, willing to do anything.

"Can you drive me to Nikki's?" I asked.

"Of course sweetheart." He said softly trying to comfort me.

I stood up and composed myself. It was time for me to give Nikki and Harry a peace of my mind and to prove I meant serious business I took Niall's hand in mine and we headed off to Nikki's.


Nikki's POV

I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. When I lifted my head up from my fluffy pillow I saw the tear stains on my pillow, tissues on my bed, and posters of Niall all over the floor.

I figured it was all a dream until I heard the same steady rhythm of the knock again. I rolled onto the floor, blanket in hand, and answered the door. This was definitely reality, I realized as I slugged over to the door. 

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