The Party

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Star watched her as she danced her platinum blond and turquoise hair bounced up and down as she danced she was beautiful.Star could see why Marco had a crush on Jackie,Star did as well but she knew that even if Jackie liked her back if Star were to date her it would crush Marco so she never acted on her feelings"Hey Star why aren't you dancing?"asked Jackie "I don't know just a little bit off personal stuff."Star replied looking a bit sad"Wanna talk about  it ?","Sure"was all Star said before Jackie grabbed her hand making star blush and leading her upstairs into Star's room (A.N. I FORGOT TO MENTION THE PARTY IS AT THE DIAZ RESIDENCE)"So What's up Star?"Jackie asked"Well I have a crush on this uh girl but I know if she were to like me back and I were to date her it would hurt one of my friends."Star replied sitting on her bed blushing"Well who is the girl you are crushing on?I promise I won't tell anyone."said Jackie "I uhh umm I have a crush on y-y-y-you!"Star almost shouted and then covered her face in shame and embarrassment"Star it's okay I feel the same way."Jackie said right before she kissed Star,Star was surprised at first but almost immediately returned the kiss but little did they know that Marco had watched this whole thing and ran out of the house sobbing"Star Butterfly I love you more than anything would you be my  girlfriend?"Jackie said looking into Star's eyes"YES!!"Star shouted as she tackled Jackie in a mad embrace.

A.N. I know this is a short chapter and I know that I made several continuity errors but please just accept this as part of an alternate universe.Okay?Okay great!

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