Broken Friendship Pt 2

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Third Person P.O.V

Star and Jackie were walking up to Echo Creek Junior High smiling hand in hand but when they opened the door shit hit the fan"HEY LOOK IT'S THE DISGUSTING DYKES!!"Marco yelled out pointing at Star and Jackie as everyone's attention was now directed towards the pair,Brittany looked  at the 2 with pitty as everyone started to laugh at them"WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE THEM ALONE"Brittany shouted before someone poured a big jug of cool-aid,hawaiian punch and other staining fruity beverages on them.After that Star ran out of the school crying"SLURP SHIT AND DIE ALL OF YOU!!"Jackie shouted in frustration as she ran after Star who was now outside surrounded by a group of girls mainly girls from Brittany's old clique.When Jackie saw this she stopped her tracks,Star looked scared"Hey Dyke!"shouted one of them"Answer her when she talks to you!"shouted another as Jackie just sat there letting rage boil up inside of her "Come on fag !"said the first one before she decked Star in the nose.After seeing this Jackie almost lost it."LEAVE HER ALONE YOU ANOREXIC WHORES!!!!!!!"Jackie screamed with so much fury in her voice it would make even Mewni's greatest warrior tremble as she ran over to Star giving the other girls a fierce look that said 'Touch her again I will kill you' the girls ran off in fear,as Jackie lifted up Star Brittany and Channtelle ran up to them"Is she okay?!?!"Brittany almost shouted"No she's not I think her nose might be broken."Jackie said holding an unconscious Star as she ran to the nurse's office,It broke Jackie's heart to be carrying the girl she loves unconscious with a broken nose.Jackie, Brittany and Chantelle were half way to the nurse's office when they were stopped by Marco surrounded by Brittany's old clique "I can't let you do that."He said with an evil look in his eyes."Move aside all of you!" Jackie said with pure rage in her eyes"No I will not move until you give me what I want "Marco said calmly sounding like a villain "And what's that!!!!""You of course"Marco said as grabbed Jackie's chest, Jackie felt angry and violated by Marco groping her chest, she reered back her fist and socked Marco in the mouth leaving Marco with a bloody lip laying on the hallway floor "You go get them."he said anger rising in his voice "MOVE YOUR FUCKIN ASSES!"he shouted at them as they started to run after the 4 girls."J-Jackie?"Star said as she slowly regained consciousness "Ssssssh it's okay I'm going to get  you to the nurse's office."Jackie said right before two girl grabbed her by her arms causing her to drop Star,the other girls had caught up with the two and started to kick Star in the gut and face,Jackie couldn't bear to watch the love of her life being beaten bloody like this she bowed her head and shut her eyes until her head was jerked up "Watch whore!"one of the girls snarled as she held Jackie's head forcing her to look at Star getting beaten,Marco walked in wiping his lip"This could have all been avoided if you just did as I say!!!" He shouted in Jackie's face before he forcebly kissed her, Jackie tried to get away from the kiss but was unable to, when Marco decided that the kiss was over he disconnected their lips, Jackie took this opportunity to spit in his face, Marco started to laugh as he called the girls who where beating Star to him they obeyed and punched Jackie in the stomach repeatedly, Jackie only regained hope when she saw Star stand up and hold her hand up as began to glow"SUPER GUMMY WORM STUN GUN!!!!!"Star shouted in a nasally voice as gummy worms attached to Marco and the four girls electricuting them causing them to pass out,Star stood for a second but fell soon after, Jackie got up and held Star as she grabbed her phone and dialed 911 calling for an ambulance.Marco and the girls were arrested for charges of assault and Star was taken to the hospital she had three broken ribs and a broken nose.
Jackie's P.O.V
I sat in the emergency room waiting the anxiety started to kill me,I immediately ran over to the doctor when he opened the door"IS SHE OKAY!?!"I showed all my anxiety showing "Ma'am she will be fine she's recovering if you want to see her."he replied kindness in his voice "Are you sure?","Yes you are the only person she asked for."he said before I ran to her room,I opened the door slowly and saw her her nose was in a bandage and her torso was covered in bandages."Jackie is that you?"she asked in a nasally voice that sounded as if she had a horrible cold"Yes it's me."I replied trying not to cry,I walked over to her and hugged her lightly "I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry"I sobbed into her shoulder"Hey it's okay I'm still alive."she said before she lifted my chin up to her face "You at least scared them enough to get them away from me."she said before she kissed me.

A.N. Sorry for not updating but I've had alot of stuff going on and I've been working on other projects but I figured this would be a good little Christmas present for my followers so Merry Christmas my loyal potatoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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