Broken Friendship pt 1

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Marco's P.O.V

I can't believe Star I thought she was my friend but she stole Jackie away from me I will never forgive her,tomorrow is Saturday so I can just stay in my room and cry "Why?"I sobbed as I lied down and fell asleep.


Star's P.O.V

I got up this morning happier than usual duuuh I'm now dating my crush.I ran downstairs and was surprised to see that Marco wasn't up so I went up to his room and opened the door"GOOD MORNIN MARCO!"I said happy and cheerful as always"Go away Star."he said with a tired and depressed anger in his voice"What's wrong?""I said go away Star I don't want you near me!"Marco shouted"What did I do?!?"Shouted back"OH I DON'T KNOW MAYBE YOU KISSED SOMEONES CRUSH!!""AND YOUR POINT IS?!?!?""YOU KISSED JACKIE EVEN THOUGH YOU KNEW I HAVE A CRUSH ON HER!!"Marco shouted before he slapped me"GET OUT OF MY ROOM GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND GET OUT OF MY DIMENSION,"Marco shouted as tears started to well up in my eyes"FUCK YOU!!""Fine,"I said as I started to cry"I will leave your house but not this dimension."I then ran to what was my room got rid of my tower packed my things and started to walk out"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN!"Marco shouted "I NEEDED TO PACK MY STUFF MARCO!"I shouted back as I ran out of the Diaz residence crying.I grabbed my little mirror out of my pocket"Call Jackie."I said sniffling"Calling Jackie"The mirror repeated back the mirror started to ring until Jackie picked up"Hey babe."said Jackie"H-hey sweetheart."I said"Star what's wrong?"she asked"Marco saw us kiss last night and he kicked me out."I said as a few tears rolled down my face"Well do you have a place to stay?"she asked me"No"I simply replied"Well I want you to stay with me.""O-Okay thank you.""No problem"


When I made it to Jackie's house I knocked on the door as soon as I did I heard someone run to the door and open it it was Jackie when she saw that I looked like shit she immediately hugged me tight "I'm sorry about what happened with Marco."She said"It's okay it's not your fault"I replied"Here we don't have a guest room so you can sleep with me in my room.""Really?"I asked blushing madly"Yeah of course."

A.N I hope you enjoyed chapter 2 so I'll start this thing where I'll give you a teaser for the next chapter so stay loyal my potatoes 

"OH LOOK IT'S THE DISGUSTING DYKES!!"Yelled out Marco pointing at Star and Jackie  as everyone's attention was now directed towards the pair Brittany looked at the 2 in pitty as everyone started to laugh at them "WHY DON'T YOU..................................

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