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Annabeth pov

I don't see the boy again until third period. A part of me feels guilty at the way I acted towards him, but I know that I can't be friends with him so I have to make him dislike me even if I hate it.

Third period is Geography. I walk to my lesson with my head down, not wanting anyone to notice me or the new bruise that Ben gave me last night. I take a seat at the back of the room, next to the window. I stare out of the glass, not paying attention to any of the students coming into the class.

Geography is one of my favourite subjects. We get to learn about all the places we can go and about famous buildings. I often imagine running away someday to Greece or France to see the spectacular sights.

The sound of a chair scraping the floor brings me out of my thoughts of running away and I look to the desk next to me to see the last person I want to see. Him. I sigh and occupy myself by getting my book and pen out of my bag.

"I'm Percy," the boy says from beside me and I don't have to look to know that he is talking to me. "And you are Annabeth."

I frown, wondering how he knew my name when I realise it's on the front of my book. Out of the corner of my eye I can see that he's moved his desk so he's closer to me. I squeeze my eyes shut and ignore him.

"She doesn't talk to anyone," a familiar voice says, turning around in her seat in front of me to look at Percy. I stare at her with a frown.

"Obviously, you don't know her then because she talked to me this morning," Percy replies and I can feel his eyes on me.

"Hmm... maybe she likes you," Rachel smirks. "I can see why she would."

"Or maybe I just annoyed her and she wanted to get rid of me," Percy shoots back. His tone of voice makes me think he also doesn't like Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

"You'll hear the rumours soon enough. Just know from me that they are not true," she says before turning back to face the front. I hate that girl.

Her father is also an officer, who works with Ben. She hears the rumours all around the school but denies that they are true as she thinks Ben is the nicest guy on the planet.

The lesson starts but I can't concentrate with Percy next to me. Percy, it's an unusual name, but it suits him. Maybe his parents had a thing for the Greeks, as I know that Perseus is a hero in the Greek myths.

"Psst..." I hear from beside me and I turn with a frown to face Percy.

"What?" I hiss.

He smirks. "I've got an idea. You don't want to be my friend, so we won't be, but we can still hang out in school."

I shake my head. "No."

"Then I'll just follow you everywhere," he insists in a whisper.

I glare at him. "Why can't you just unders-"

He cuts me off. "Tell me why we can't be friends!"

"Mr Jackson, Miss Chase," the teacher scolds. Everyone looks at us and I look down at my desk. "Is there a problem?"

"No, Miss. Annabeth was just helping me with the work," Percy lies.

"Okay. No talking."

I look up, surprised that he could lie so easily. I can feel the other girls in the class staring daggers at me, which means they like Percy. And if they like Percy then he's going to be popular.

The teacher goes back to writing on the board and I look out of the window until I hear something hit my desk. I look to see a note and I sigh before opening it. So, tell me?

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