On the bed:

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It was late. About 2 am when I heard a noise come from my son's room. He is only 5 so he shouldn't be up at this hour of the night. I get up from the couch to investigate the noise. The only reason I was even up was to watch the marathon of cops. 

I opened the door to his room to see my son sitting up on his bed. He looked the most scared I've ever seen him. "Hey buddy what's wrong?" I asked him 

For a long time he didn't say a word or even move for that matter. Then he pointed to his closet. (Which was slightly open.) I walked over to the closet and opened the door wider. I didn't see anything at first until I looked down to see my son curled up in the fetal position. He looked up at me and said. "Daddy theirs someone on my bed."

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