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Shoutout to @CrazyGlitterBananaa

Hey dad.

Hi sweetie. Anything to report?

Not yet but I had an idea.


Harry has been having dreams about you and what you have been doing. I've been using reverse psychology to get him to let you in more often so he will believe it if we send him a fake dream about Sirius being in trouble. He will be distracted and we can get the prophecy.

Good idea. I was thinking we could attack one of their followers while the attacker is guarding the prophecy, so we can get it.

No, no, they'll suspect we want it and be on our tail. But we could kidnap one of them instead. I'm all for them getting hurt. I suggest Arthur Weasley or Kingsley Shacklebolt.



He was once a death eater but didn't realize Snape was a spy in the first war and fed them information on me. He... was the one to kill your mother.

We attack him on December 20th, the Ministry on the 23rd, and we relase him the 24th but make him think he escaped on his own, maybe with Snape as they are suspicious of him.

Yes, princess.

After texting with my father, I get out of bed at 6:00 and started to pack up my things.

After I was finished (around 6:30), Cass woke up.

"Hey Cassi. You staying with us this holiday?"

"Yeah. I'm going to tell them that I want to stay with you and learn about your friend, make sure she isn't a death eater in disguse, yada, yada."

"Great Idea. We are going to borrow Shaklebolt and then take the prophecy. Then we will get Snape to release him to reinstate their faith that he is on their side."


I put my hair in a ponytail and thought about a track.

I opened my eyes and was at a track. Daddy called me last night and explained all my new powers. I can transform myself, apparate myself, I can read minds, and more.

So, I run the track until 7:00, went back to my room and changed into a grey sweater, black leggings, a red sweatshirt, and black uggs. Cass was wearing her G sweater from Mrs. Weasel, blue skinny jeans, brown uggs, and a brown heavy jacket.

We went down to the Great Hall for the last time before Christmas. I got an iced tea and an omelette. We got our trunks and got in the train.

"We need a leader Harry!" Side pushed.

"That's what I'm saying! Umbridge won't teach us real Defense Against The Dark Arts, Who will? I think it should be you Harry. You were the one that faced Quirrel. You faced Riddle. You faced Dementors twice. You saw Voldemort," Side flinched but Toilet didn't. "YOU. Not me. Not Ron. You."

Toilet nodded.


"We could have a symbol like the dark mark but like less painful like a magical coin. Yeah! Each person will have a specific design so that no one will loose it or accidentally use it as a Galleon. I know the place too, it's called the Room of Requirment." I explained it to them.

They gasped at me when I was finished.


"Your neck..."

I realized it must have been my dark mark.

"Oh, you like it? I used a spell so teachers wouldn't see but it's a tattoo. I used the idea of the dark mark, but to show hope." I said, thinking on my feet. 

"Oh." Side says.

"What does it say" Toilet wonders aloud.

"Muggleborn and proud." 

The seem to buy it.

Draco walks up to the door. I can't wait to see him, actual him and not fake him.

"Potty, Mudblood, Weasel."

"What do you want from us d- Malfoy?" I push playfully.

"You two are needed in the prefect compartment. What, did you think I would go out of my way to see you? I do have half a brain, you know."

"Never would've thought."

Draco goes to punch me, just for fake and I grab his fist and twist it in a way it shouldn't go and fake a yawn. 

I let it drop and walk to the compartment.

I take out my phone and text him "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

He walks in and takes out his phone, typing furiously.


I check my phone.

Draco Malfoy has blocked you.

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