Chapter Six: (3/3)

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"Whoa, now!" I cooed extending a frail hand towards the blood thirsty pack of wolves beaming back at me. I stepped carefully as I made clicking noises at them. "It's okay, we're all friends here, aren't we?"

It was crazy, being in this situation. And I cursed myself under my breath for not being as nuts about a back story as Rose. She'd had the foresight to put some points in handling animals. I mocked her, but now- staring down the glinting teeth of a 30 foot wolf, I didn't quite feel like laughing.

Out of the corner of my eye, it was easy to spy three smaller gray back wolves circling up. Gnashing their teeth like they'd never seen a hybrid like me before. I took them all in slowly, nodding to myself as I counted.

1 big one, the alpha, directly in front.

3 slightly smaller ones.

2 runts

And 6 youth.

Taking out 11 wild wolves would be draining, even at level 98. The big wolf alone was probably at least a level 75, the smaller ones were probably 60 and below. I could definitely take them, I just didn't want to.

"What a pain." I smiled rubbing the back of my neck. "I could have just walked past you, but you had to go and start growling."

As if by on command, the two runt lunged for me. One leaped straight for my throat while the other dove for my thigh. I was easily able to step away, snatching the one at my legs mid-air by the tail. It let out a sharp yelp, pleading with me to release it. But it was too late, he'd decided to attack and deserved a swift death.

Acting quickly, I hooked my hand around his snout and clamped down hard, muffling his screams. As he squirmed, I lifted him above my head and flipped him to expose his belly to the sun. With his back arched, I started bending him slowly feeling his bones snap as his back was forced into the wrong position and soon enough, the runt stopped moving.

His life drained from his body.

I tossed the empty carcass aside like the garbage it was and turned my attention to the alpha. "Wanna dance?" I beckoned letting a smirk work its way across my face.

The alpha returned my invitation with a hearty growl. The youth quickly started closing their circle as the sole surviving runt shook off its miss and started after me.

I cracked my neck and prepared my stance. At least I was testing this new body before getting to Rose, the more I learned of this world the easier it would be to help get the both of them out of here.

One by one, I used my bare hands to fight off the attack. Wolves were easy to predict, they loved going for the instant kill. And if they couldn't manage that, they enjoyed maiming their prey. Just as the two before me, they worked together to try to take out my legs and rip out my throat. But I wouldn't give them the chance until only the alpha and his three betas remained.

"Last chance." I growled feeling something inside of me raging. I swayed with each heavy breath I was taking.

Fighting inside the was exhilarating! I-I wanted them to attack me! The blood thirsty beast inside of me had been awakened, and I never wanted to turn back. I didn't want to be anchored, feeling human was exhausting! No...I wanted something more than that. I wanted the freedom to look pure, untainted evil in the eye and kill it. I wanted to relish in the blood of my enemies. I wanted to-

"Didn't take you long to start fight, did it David?"

I froze, slowly blinking back to life. My foggy vision began clearing allowing my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. The lush green ground was littered with wolf corpses. Their cavities exposing their insides, shattered bones and all.

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