Chapter 4: The End~ {MIGHT BE A SHORT SEQUEL}

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I walked down stairs to eat breakfast with other pastas. I re-think about last night with Masky. That of me and Masky in bed brought the heat racing to my face. I heard laughing and chattering. I stopped blushing, snapping back into reality. I sat down beside an empty seat and Ben. "(Y/N). I heard everything from Masky's room. You were loud, man!" I shot a quick look over to Ben. I got up and grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter. I walked quickly towards Ben, I was about to slash Ben with the knife, until I was stopped with a tentacle. I looked over where the tentacle belong to, and it was Hallow's. She snatched the knife from my grip of the knife, picked me up and sat me down, back in my seat. That's when Masky came in and sat beside me. "You two are dating now? Oooh, sounds like fun." Jeff blurted out. I got up from my seat again and Hallow yanked me back to my chair. "No. We aren't dating you pale freak." Masky replied. "P-Pale freak..." Jeff took a long pause and continued, "I'll have you know that I'm beautiful!"

I looked up at Jeff and said, "Yeah you are~" With a smirk on my face.

"See. Even (Y/N) agrees!" Jeff replied.

"Nope. I think that was sarcasm, Jeff." Clock Work replied.

"It was sarcasm, ugly pale bitch." I yelled. Jeff started launching towards me from across the table. Mask cut Jeff's cheek, just in time before Jeff could get me. "Stay back!" Masky hissed. Jeff gave up and ran up the stairs. I looked over at Masky. He looked back at me then scoffs, "The fuck are you looking at?" So he's just going to ignore what happened last night?! I got up from my seat and walked upstairs in defeat. I went to Masky's room, closed the door and laid back down on the bed again. "Why would he ignore what happened?" I sighed to myself as I look up the sealing.

~~~Mask's POV~~~

I walked down the stairs to find (Y/N) sitting there with the others. I sat down in my seat beside him and paid no attention to him. "So you two are dating now?. Ooooh, this will be fun!" Jeff said. (Y/N) got up from his seat and Hallow yanked (Y/N) back to his seat. "No. We aren't dating you pale freak." I replied. "P-Pale freak..." Jeff took a long pause. My Zalgo. He's going to say he's beautiful again. I rolled my eyes, not mining Jeff. A few seconds later, (Y/N) was staring at me like an idiot. "The fuck are you looking at?" (Y/N) got up from his seat and marched up the stairs. "Looks like your boyfriend is mad..." Candy Cane said teasingly. I got up, slapped her and went up the stairs, finding (Y/N) in my room with the door closed. I placed my ear on the door so I can hear what he's saying. "Why would he ignore what happened?" He sighed. "Well, I only asked for a favor..." I said quietly. "I didn't know that tis meant so much to you." I mumbled. "It was my first kiss..." Wait, 'first kiss'? "First sex..." "So he's virgin then." I opened the door and he bolted up. His face was beat red.

"H-How long w-were you there?" (Y/N) asked.

"Long enough to hear what you were saying." I smirked. Then he threw a pillow at my head.

"PERVERT!" He yelled, his face redder than a tomato.

"Hey, I just wanted to help you out here... You said it was your first kiss and sex right?" (Y/N) nodded slowly. "Then maybe I could be your first love.." I continued. "My first- who now?" He said with a blank expression on his face. "Yes. We could be a couple."

"We don't even know that much about each other."

"Slender told ,us a lot about you- we to me, but you seem to know a lot about me from the stories." I said.

"Yeah. You do have a point there..." (Y/NZ0 tilted his head, staring at me.

"So it's official then?"

"I-I guess so..." He looked down blushing like mad. "Good." I walked over to (Y/N) and sat down right beside him. I brought our faces together and kissed him deeply.

~~~Your POV~~~

H-He kissed me? Again?... I couldn't help but to kiss back. We kissed for a very long time. Masky didn't felt like breaking apart. So did I. I melted in his kiss. My face was redder than a tomato. I pulled away and said, "W-What if someone see's us?" I heard footsteps running away from our door. Me and Masky Quickly turned our head to where the sound was and chased after it. We finally catched up to who was there. it was Sally. She cried. "I just wanted some lemons... Please don't hurt me..." Me and Masky looked at each other and sighed. "Just delete the video, Sally." Masky demanded. "N-No. But I don't want to." She said. "Then I'll tell Slendy that you were being a bad little girl if you don't give me the video and let me delete it." Masky pleased. Sally gave Masky the camera and deleted the video. We both walked to our room, closed the door and locked it. That's when I spoke up. "I do want to continue that kiss we had..." I said, my face still red. Masky smirked and kissed me deeply again. We both fell under the hot sensation and kissed as if time has stopped itself.

And that's the end of Masky X Male Reader.

I hope you guys liked it! Sorry that this story was short. That's all I do... I can make short sequels for you if you want me to. If this story gets more votes than the first story that I wrote, then I'll be willing to make short sequels for the Masky X Male Reader. Keep voting! Remember, I'll keep watching on my votes! Check out the Boy In Luv song by BTS!

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