Chapter 16: The End.

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m̲̅a̲̅s̲̅k̲̅y̲̅'s̲̅ p̲̅o̲̅v̲̅:

It's been five years since my rebirth. I've suddenly found (Y/N) at a school for Kindergartners.
His memories about his past life seems to be erased. We are in school, entering our classroom. (Y/N) walks directly to his desk, sitting in it with one of his legs under him and the other one restlessly, swinging back and forth. I walk to his desk and greet him with the most silliest smile I can make. (Y/N) looks at me, "Why smile like a fool? You like me, crazy person?" speaks (Y/N). I let out a laugh, then suddenly frowns, "You don't remember me, (Y/N)?" I ask, shaking my head.
"Do I? How do you know where I stay at?" ask (Y/N).
"I have my ways." I reply, smiling cheeky.
"I'm telling my mommy you know where I stay at!" exclaims (Y/N). I tilt my head. 'This child is childish as ever! There's no real conversation between a child in a child's body and a adult in a child's body!' I think.
"Class, you need to be seated." says the teacher who was already at her desk, eating a big bag of cheetos puffs. I watch her as she cleans her hand off with a paper towel. She stands up in front of the room, getting ready to teach the class. I walk to my desk, sitting in it as the class begins. I get one good look at (Y/N) before doing what the teacher has instructed the class what to do on our morning work.

After school, I sneak out of the bus with (Y/N), since there were approximately seven or more children that gets off in his area. (Y/N) is walking up three blocks to where his home is. I follow him. But before he could enter, I shout his name out, "(Y/N)!!!" He stops and turns around to my voice and says, "The crazy person from my class, what you doing here?"
"I want to be your friend. I want to play with you. May I come into your house and play with you?" I ask. Surprisingly, he nodded with a smile. He knocks on the front door of his house and it opens when a female voice tells him to come in. 'Does this woman know (Y/N)?' I think.
(Y/N) walks inside the house and I follow behind him. The house is filled with the scent of cigarette smoke. 'Wow... (Y/N)'s parents... They're smokers! This is very bad for his and our lungs!' I think. I begin to cough at the thick air of scented smoke.
"Who is your friend, (Y/N)?" A woman ask. (Y/N) coughs a bit, but answers the woman, who is revealed to be smoking, "His name is Masky. He wants to come over and play with me." (Y/N) explains with a smile, but continues to cough more. I cough along him as well. "Hey... (Y/N). Let's go into your room to get away from the smoke." I say in a hoarse voice. 'Maybe we should run upstairs to get out of here faster.' I think. "Last one's a rotten egg!" I yell and we both start to run up the stairs.
Once reach his room, We both run into his room and I quickly close his door. His room is smoke-free. I exhale. 'Ahh. I can final breathe again!' I think. I look up to find (Y/N) half naked. He has his underwear on. He takes out a pair of regular clothing from his closet and puts his school clothes in a basket, which I assume is his dirty clothes basket. He puts on his regular clothing and sits on his bed, patting a spot beside him for me to sit. "Sit here." (Y/N) demands and I obey. We start to have many playdates like these everyday we're home from school and we go to my house every weekends to spend the nights.
Nine years has passed. (Y/N) and I still have playdates. We are both fourteen years old. Our parents get along very well. It's like they've been best friends for ages.
I am sitting next to (Y/N) in his room, on his bed as we chit-chat away. "Do you still remember that time we both fought the school bathroom, because I told someone that we kissed but we actually kissed by mistake?" Ask (Y/N). I look at him, "Yeah. Why?" I respond with a question.

y̲̅o̲̅u̲̅r̲̅ p̲̅o̲̅v̲̅:

Masky and I have been best friends since we were five. I have grown too much into him every since that peck he gave me three years back.
"Yeah. Why?" Masky responds with a question. I didn't answer. My eyes fell on his lips as I draw my face closer his slowly. "Nothing... Just..." I say, not bothering to finish my sentence. After my incomplete sentence, I gently press my lips onto his, giving him a kiss. I slowly pull away a little, after I gave him a quick kiss. "Because you're in love with me... Right?" Masky ask, taking my eyes off his lips to meet his eyes. Masky's eyes drops from eyes to lips every three seconds. "I'm gay too and I have deep emotions for you too." Masky speaks in a quiet tone. My heart races as I place my right hand on the left side of his face and quickly locks lips with him and we share a deep and passionate kiss. 'Wait a minute... This kiss feels so familiar... Wait- I reborn after Masky crashed his car! Gosh, I love this guy.' I think. I come to a realization and breaks the kiss, grinning at Masky. "Babe, I remember... I remember our past life." I say, staring into his eyes. Masky's eyes lights up and his lips curls into a happy smile as he tightly embraces me and I embrace back, gripping his hair. "I'm so happy you remember, baby." Masky says in a loving tone. We stop embracing each other. I get on top of Masky and we kiss deeply, slowly taking our clothes off in between each kiss. After a few minutes, we finally became one again. 'I love you so much, Masky. I'm so sorry for being so cruel to you in the past.' I think as I enjoy a very hot day with the man I love.

How'd you all liked this story? It's finally completed! I'm planning on creating another story. It's called The Magicians: Season 4 Episode 12 [Remake]. I really want to recreate the last episode of The Magicians because I really want Eliot and Quintin to be together. If you have not watched The Magicians, you watch Season 1 - 3 on Netflix. Season 4 is on Charter, Demand. You can also watch the show on YouTube, if you are willing to pay money for them. I recommend you watching this show if you like LGBTQ+. But I recommend you not to watch the last episode of Season 2 because it's very heartbreaking and you will understand why I want to make a version of that. I'm not clearly sure when I'll start, but I hope it turns out perfect... Or at least good enough so that you all will enjoy it.

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