Sequel 8: CP's POV's: Laughing Jack

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I was thinking about Candy Pop until he unpredictably showed up at the entrance of my carnival. I poofed behind him and hugged him from behind.

"Hey L.J.."

"Hello baby. What brings you here?" Candy Pop looked down and looked at me, "Toby knows about Masky." My eyes went wide and I walked in front of him, staring into his eyes, surprised, "Wait, what?!"

"I'm sorry.. I-I didn't mean to let him know!"

"You little-- Oooh! I just want to strangle you right now!" I yelled in rage. He jumped a little at my anger. I told him just to avoid going around the other Pastas and stay away from them until everyone has stopped worrying about (Y/N) and Masky.

"I-I-I-" Before I could even touch Candy Pop, Hoodie appeared behind Candy Pop and stabbed him right where his pelvis is at.

He winced in pain, then collapsed to the ground with a loud Thud! "B- ... Babe??!" I stared at Hoodie with tears in my eyes. "Why?!" I fall down on my knees, sobbing, and holding Candy Pop in my arms.

"He broke the rule, L.J. Get over it already." He says bluntly.

I stood up, shakingly and leaped out right at Hoodie. Once I did, his knife went right pass my chin, speircing right at my neck (Stabbing him right in his vocalcord). I winced in pain.

Hoodie pushed me off his knife and I just laid there, not moving. My vision became dark and I'm dead.

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