Chapter 14

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Author's Note

I already explained my late update so I hope you like this chapter remember to vote.


Zayn POV

I started leaning in to kiss Violet, I was kind of nervous what if I messed up or she didn't kiss back. God Zayn pull yourself together. I finally leaned in enough that our lips were touching and I kissed her and she kissed back almost immediately. There were sparks and it was an amazing first kiss. I didn't ask for entrance because I didn't want to push it and she seemed happy about that. She was the one to pull away, we were both panting after she pulled away. I looked at her to see her smiling and that her eyes were a shade of blue instead of hazel ish green. "Your eyes are blue" she giggled and then said "It means I'm happy" "oh ok so what else do your eyes do, are they like mood rings" I questioned. "Yeah I guess, when I'm mad they are brown when I'm happy like you see they are blue and when I'm sad they are a shade of green I think" she answered with, I made and O shape with my mouth and she just nodded. "So babe how about we head back to the flat" she nodded. On our way back to the car she snuggled into my side and I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. She looked up at me and smiled. Once we got back to the car I headed to her side to help her get in but she stopped and said "damn-it Zayn I forgot my phone where we had the picnic at I will be right back" I just nodded and leaned against the car waiting for her to get back.

Violet POV

I can't believe I forgot my phone, ugh. I was on my over to where we had our picnic but I swore I saw a silhouette of a person so I yelled "hello is anyone out here". I got no answer, hmm maybe I'm just imagining things, but then I saw it again. So I picked up my pace "do need to run honey" the creepy person said.... wait I know that voice Jason. "Jason leave me alone" I said running over to wear we had our date, picking up my phone and shoving it in my pocket so Jason couldn't see it and dropping my chap stick so Zayn would know I was kidnapped or at least not ok. I was exactly right when I felt myself being picked up and shoved in a car ugh I really hate my life right now.

Zayn POV

It has been 15 minutes now Violet should be back. Wait oh no what if she is hurt. I ran over to wear our date was and found Violets phone missing so that meant she made it here, but her lipstick was just sitting here so that meant she wasn't ok. Oh shit she was kidnapped. I quickly went into my car and picked up my phone to call the boys but my phone rung instead it was an unknown number. Hello? I spoke into the phone....


Author's Note 

CLIFFHANGER!!! Sorry its short. Hope you like it remember to vote.

Love you all bye.

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