Chapter 13

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Authors Note

First update in summer yay! Ugh I have writers block sorry if this chapter isn's to good! :(


Violet POV

Crystal left and it was time for me to get ready for my date with Zayn. I was really excited and couldn't help but wonder where he was taking me and what we were doing. I hoped the paps wouldn't find us because I'm not in the mood for gossip or the hate. I run upstairs to go get ready for my date. My date is at 7 and it is 4:30 so I have enough time to get ready. Kaley follows after me to come and help me same with Scarlett, and Kiristen. Scarlett does my make-up, Kiristen does my hair and Kaley is helping me chose a dress to wear. Zayn told Kaley that we weren't going anywhere to fancy so I could wear a cute little dress. Kaley and I picked out my triple back sundress it is black and a dark blue. My make-up consists of a light blue eye shadow, mascara, and a little bit of cover-up. I'm not a big fan of make-up so that's why I'm only wearing that. My hair was in a bun on top of my head. My whole outfit was cute, but not too fancy. By the time we were done it was 6:50 so I grabbed my little clutch and went downstairs. All of a sudden the door bell rung. What, I'm not expecting anyone I opened the door and there was Zayn with a rose in his hand. I was so surprised, I went up to him and pecked him on the cheek. Then I hear a chorus of awws behind me. A laugh escapes my mouth, and then Zayn picks me up bridal style. I start laughing and tell him to put me down. "Zayn please put me down, I'm too heavy you're going to hurt yourself ". "No you aren't you just fine I promise" he said, I huffed then said "fine but if you get hurt don't complain to me. He just laughed, I shook my head. Zayn opened my door and slid me in then kissed me on the cheek. He ran around to his side and quickly started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "Hey babe where are we going" I asked him looking all innocent, so maybe just maybe I could trick him into telling me. "We are going to.... wait hey you're trying to trick me. I'm not telling you because if I did then it wouldn't be a surprise". "Damn it I was so close" I mumbled. He just laughed and shook his head. I still wasn't very familiar with the area, so I wasn't completely sure where we were going but I did see the area where me and the girls went shopping when we first arrived in California. I think their is a little park around here, we passed it when we were shopping. I don't think it was a very popular place though because no one was there. Zayn pulled up to the little park I was talking, well isn't that funny. Zayn jumped out of the car then rushed over to my side and opened my door for me and helped me down. "here put this on... please" Zayn said while holding a blind fold out for me. I listened even though I didn't want to. "Zayn you better not let me fall or run into anything" I said. "If you do I promise I will catch you" he said. Zayn started guiding me to where ever we were supposed to be going for our date, but then I tripped on a rock and I just waited to feel myself hit the ground but it never happened instead I was in someones arms, Zayn's arms. "I told you I would catch you" he whispered in my ear. We continued walking until we came to a stop, "you can look now" he said. I slid the blind fold off and I was in complete aw. There was a blanket set down and a little picnic. Their where candles set all around to light up the area and he had us under an area where their were no trees so we could look at the stars when it got late. Zayn brought me over to the blanket and sat me down then gave me my food, it was one of my favorites. We both sat there eating the pasta it was delicious. "Zayn did you make the food" I questioned, he nodded and I could see his cheeks blushing a little. "Well it's delicious and who helped you with the date" I asked him. No one I did it myself before I picked you up" now it was my turn to nod. Once we were done with dinner he brought out dessert it was strawberry shortcake also one of my favorites. After were completely done he grabbed my hand and helped me up and put some romantic music on. "Zayn I can't dance" I said quietly because I was embarrassed, everyone knows how to slow dance but me. " it's ok love I'll teach you". He then grabbed my hand and guided me through the steps, after a little I could do it on my own. I put my head down on his shoulder and relaxed into him. "Zayn this is lovely" I picked up my head off his shoulder and said. We both were staring into each others eyes mesmerized by each other. Zayn started leaning in and then his lips were against mine. We were moving our lips against each other in perfect sync. It was a romantic kiss filled with lust and he didn't try to ask for entrance into my mouth he left it to be romantic. I loved it, it was the perfect first kiss, and I wouldn't change a thing about this kiss or the night in general.


Authors Note 

I'm sorry it's a late update but I started it yesterday but I had writers block. I hope you like it, I will finish the date up next Wednesday or next update.

Bye love you all!

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