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THE DULL SOUND of my pen tapping against my notebook keeps me awake as i try to study in the pastry shop. the smell of sweet food is distracting and i keep glancing behind me towards the kitchen where i can hear my mother baking.

"keep your eyes on your books, bia." her voice flows from the kitchen into my ears. my face scrunches together in surprise.

i still don't know how she can always tell what i'm doing. subconsciously glancing up for hidden cctv cameras, i shake my head and return my attention to my books.

"my goodness, it smells like heaven's bakery!" i hear a familiar voice a few minutes later. my head shoots up to see a bright and happy face. "and how do you know that heaven has a bakery or what it even smells like?" i cock a brow.

"bia!" jackson yells out, smile becoming even wider. a smile comes naturally to my face at the bright and positive energy he always seems to ooze.

he throws his arms around me as i get on my feet. i hug him back with a soft chuckle. that is when i notice he isn't alone. mark stands awkwardly just inside, earphones in, gaze down.

his lips are pursed and i can tell he's tense just with one look at him. "is mark okay?" i whisper to jackson discreetly, eyeing the boy who practically has one foot out the door.

"he's having a bad day so i brought him to get something sweet to cheer him up." jackson whispered back, glancing behind at his friend. "hey, mark! come take a seat!"

the said boy looks up and nods. he moves further inside and takes a seat at the table next to mine. "hi, mark." i offer. he glances up at me and smiles softly in reply. it's the first time he's ever sent me one of his rare smiles. "i'll go get you something."

"bia, you got friends over?" i hear my mother say just before i enter the kitchen. "yes, mama." i answer as i step inside. "wonderful. i want to meet them."

she whirls around to face me, beaming wide, a tray of some of her freshly baked goods in her hands. i chuckle in reply, eyeing a custard filled donut. "those for them?"

"you bet your sweet patootie." she chimes. "mom, please don't say that again." i cringe a bit although i'm laughing. she sends me an unbothered smile and breezes past me into the shop. "hi!" she chirps the moment she spots the two at the table.

jackson and mark look up at the same time, both instantly wearing smiles when they realise who it is. jackson jumps to his feet and takes the tray off my mother's hands.

"hello!" he chimes with a bright grin. mark is on his feet as well, giving a small bow, he mutters a low, "good afternoon." my eyes widen slightly. it is the first time i'm hearing his voice and by god, it is deep. and kind of sexy.

my mother beams at the two. "we've got a shy one, don't we?" she fixes her gaze on him. jackson bobs his head. "cuties." she remarks, patting his cheek.

i notice a dusting of pink on mark's cheeks and it brings me slight amusement. my lips pull up in a smile as he takes a seat again after my mom has sat down next to jackson.

i settle down next to him. and even though i know i most likely won't get a reply, i whisper over to him, "didn't know you could blush, tuan." he shifts his wide gaze to me then down at his hands. my cheeks round even more as i smile bigger.

"mrs holden, this is great!" jackson exclaims after taking a bite of mom's special palmier. "thank you! and just call me pattie." mom chuckles. "really?" his eyes round and both mom and i laugh. even mark smiles.

"really. she prefers it because it 'makes her feel younger'." i make air quotes as i say the last bit. "better unhook those fingers, young lady." my mother chastises and i blow her a kiss.

"well, i have to get back to work, you lovely boys eat as much as you want, okay?" my mom pats jackson's shoulder as she gets on her feet. i notice her gaze shift to mark and then me, a small knowing smile on her face.

"bye, pattie!" jackson waves. "have fun." my mom says before disappearing into the kitchen again. i find myself wondering what her smile was all about.

jackson is back to eating the pastries, the ecstatic look of a five-year-old on his face and i grin again. that is when i feel it. eyes on me.

moving my head only slightly, i see mark staring openly at the side of my head, lips parted just the tiniest bit. for a moment, i think he's gawking at me.

but when his hand moves up to brush the coil tendrils that frame my face ever so slightly, i realise his attention is riveted on my hair.

it makes me wonder what about the mass of coils atop my head he finds so fascinating.


i haven't updated in almost five months wow. i'm really sorry for the long wait i know this chapter is a bit boring but it'll get better ^.^ if you're still reading this, thank you! ily! - t ♡

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