Chapter 4- Surprise

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I immediatly saw all my friends. Annabeth came rushing towards me and started kissing me everywhere.

"Yo, calm down Annabeth," I said calmly.

"How could you be so calm? You literally had a 50-50 chance of surviving some stupid river, and you think I would be calm," Annabeth cried. After she said that, she slapped me.

"Hey, what was that for?!" I asked.

"For being a stupid Seaweed Brain," she said smiling.

"Now, now," Chaos said, "Lets not get into a fight here. Now, you know that all of your parents have disowned you right?"

We all gritted our teeth.

"So, I would like to adopt all of you." He said enthusiastically.

We were speechless.

We just stared at him for a long time with our mouths hanging open.

"HURRAY!!!" We all shouted.

"Now, I have another suprise for you. Before you guys were recruited, we did have members in our army." Chaos said.

He led us down a hallway to a room. In the room, their were many people playing games at machines or devices.

"Guys, these are my new recruits." Chaos hollered.

They all turned around. Most of us gasped. Some people like Jason and Piper had no idea who these people were. 

In front of us were:

Luke Castellen

Michael Yew

Lee Fletcher

Zoe Nightshade

Silena Beauragaurd

Charles Beckendorf

Castor something

Ethan Nakemura

Bianca Di Angelo

"Percy, Annabeth, Clarisse, Travis, Katie, Will, Pollux, is that you?" Luke asked.

We nodded.

"And who are they?" He asked.

"Well, we have Jason Grace son of Jupiter,  Piper Mclean daughter of Aphrodite, Leo Valdez son of Hephestus, Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto, Frank Zhang son of Mars." I said pointing to each of them as I said their names.

"Well, its nice to meet you." Luke said.

Then the party began. Piper hung out with Silena most of the time, and Leo hung out with Beckendorf most of the time. Hazel and Bianca became best friends in lilke 2 seconds. The rest of us just kept on talking with others.


I will try to update at least 3 times a week, but no promises.

Disclaimer: I dont own much of this, only very little.

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