CH 7

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I stepped forward, seeing Loki and Tony, facing each other. Tony was laughing, looking to the few girls and occasional guy around him as he held an empty plastic cup in his hand. Loki was holding two filled glasses, but there was soda spilt on his vest. He seemed to have a calm demeanor, but his eyes flashed with something I couldn't place. Anger wasn't it, but pain.  I walked over and softly took the drinks from his hands. I set one done, but Loki gently stopped me from setting down the other. He simply shook his head, glancing to Tony.

I turned to face him. I could feel myself shaking slightly. In anger or confusion, I couldn't tell. All i could do was shake my head, looking down for a moment before meeting his brown eyes. "Why?"

"Reindeer games just ran into me is all. Not my fault." He raised a hand looking around. Even in a dark gym, he wore a pair of sunglasses. "Anybody want to vouch for me on that?" He said. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. A few people laughed. Then he looked at me, and laughed himself. 

And that did it.

I wasn't sure what came over me. But the next thing i knew i was being held behind Loki protectively, Thor standing between us and a soda soaked Tony. He looked down at his wet, stained shirt, then to me. All he did was shrug, snap his fingers and point to me. Teachers were coming over quickly. "Her fault. She did it. She's a party pooper." He shrugged, turning around with a wave of his hips, walking away.

I felt sick again. I was officially the worst homecoming date there possibly could be. I threw soda at Tony Stark. I pulled myself away from Loki slowly, finding my way through staring students. I could hear Thor shouting my name, trying to call me back. But i was already out the double doors and out into the cold, night air.


I ran out to the baseball field, just to be away. I wasn't stupid, i knew that the Odinson's would be coming after me. So I didn't wander to far. It would only cause more trouble. I sat down at a bench in the dugout, holding my dress up the best i could to avoid the dirt. I covered my face with my hand, shaking as i fought the urge to cry. I didn't know why my emotions were so out of control tonight. Was it just because it was my first homecoming? Was it Loki ? Was it both?

I heard footsteps rushing over. Then shushing and soft muttering. I knew who it was perfectly well. But still i kept my eyes shut and tried to keep my composure. The footsteps had stopped originally, but only one set was walking over towards me.  I quickly wiped under my eyes to hide my tears, dropping one hand and looking away from the dark haired male that sat next to me. He leaned forward, resting his elbows onto his knees and folding his hands. His long hair was curled just a tad at the ends by his neck. He said nothing at first. Then he spoke to me. I could see Thor waiting, standing on the other side of the field.

"I'm so sorry all that happened tonight, (y/n)." He said softly. I looked over at him, looking him over. He still wasn't looking at me. When I didn't reply to him, he kept talking.

"I went over to get us drinks when the damn "Man of Iron," walked over. He was refilling his drink. When he questioned why i was here, i....didn't see a need to answer his request. A friend of his, behind him, nudged him hard enough to spill onto me." He was quiet in the explanation. But i heard every word. I slowly reached out and put my free hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. This is my fault. I threw soda on him when he....well Tony is just flat up annoying sometimes," i huffed, frustrated just thinking about his attitude. He shakes his head. "And yet our fellow students have taken an odd liking to him," he complained. I smirked. "Well, hes kinda that guy that is super annoying to the point he attractive. Its a flaw that's flawless, i guess." I joked. Loki shook his head again, chuckling this time. He looked up at me now, his blue eyes twinkling with trouble and play. He watched me for a moment, before standing and offering me his pale, slender hand.

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