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"Ca-ca-doo-doo-dooooooo!!!" cried a rooster. My head felt heavy as I tried to get up from bed to look at the clock. It read six-thirty am across it. "Oh no! im going to be late for school!" I scram removing the curtain off my bed. "No, no, no where are you going?" Alissa said walking into my room with a large pitcher of water and a glass. "You had a fever last night, meaning youre staying home," She handed me a cup of water and two painkillers. "I had a fever?" I asked popping the pills into my mouth. "Oh it wasn't just a fever Olivia, you cried for help a couple of times and asked us to take you to the tree," My heart stopped and I felt my stomach turn inside out. "The tree? What tree?" I said searching for a tree in my memory then suddenly remembered. "I don't know, but you wanted this tree very bad," she said giggling. "feel better okay?" she said kissing my forehead. "The devils tree, what a silly girl," Alissa said leaving my room. "Thank you," I said remembering Lucio had took me to the devils tree only to realize it was all a dream.

"What if it wasn't a dream?" I said to myself. "What if it was real?!" I said getting up from my bed and ran to the mirror to still find the patch over my eye. "Stupid thing," I said followed by a loud sigh. "Or maybe," The thought of Lucio clouded my mind as i ran as fast as i was able to to the fields for answers. "Lucio!" I scram almost crashing into a tall corn stalk. "Lucioooo!!" "Will you stop screaming Olivia, you sound like a mad woman!" Alex yelled from the other end of the field as he walked to me with the mayor behind him. "Goodmorning," Mayor Harold said bowing to me. "Goodmorning Mayor," I said and smiled to him. "Are you calling in the herd?" Alex said to me but I was too busy focused on the Mayors honey colored eyes that seemed fixated on me. "Uhm n-no, I was, Uh, I was heading to the well for a bath and off to school," I assured them. "The well is that way crazy girl," Alex said pinching my cheek and walking away. "I hope to see you soon," The Mayor took my hand and kissed it once more then blinded me with his pretty eyes. "Yeah," I said looking away from him. I turned around quickly towards the well to avoid Harold seeing the red on my face.

"Olivia! You had a fever and left to school like that!?" Alissa scram on phone. "Im fine Alissa, im only here to check out," "Check out?! Youre dropping out of school?!" She scram louder. "Ill explain why later, I really, really have to go," I said closing my phone. "Damn that woman can scream," I said putting my cellphone into my sweaters pocket. "Olivia, the principal is ready to see you now," The lady at the front desk of the office said to me. I walked into Mrs. Fernandez office and saw awards given to different students that hung on the walls. First place was awarded to Cindy's painting of our corn field that captured the gold richness of the farm. I touched the textured canvas and admired her creativity with paint. "That's my favorite one," Mrs. Fernandez said standing behind me. I turned to her with a big smile and looked back at the painting my best friend had created. "Yes, she sure is talented" I sighed missing her more knowing ill be leaving school. "Youre eye! What happend!?" She said placing her hand over her mouth. "A very tiny accident i assure you," I said giggling. "Its really nothing to worry about," i said once more and she smiled back. "I believe that's your corn field right?" She said pointing to the painting. I  nodded in agreement to the principal and stroked the dry paint once more.

"What may I help you with?" Mrs. Fernandez said sitting down. I took a deep breathe and folded my hands upon the desk. "Im dropping out," "Dropping out? Olivia, your grades are outstanding and youre doing very well, what is going on?" She said frowning. "It's really a personal thing happening at home," I assured her. "If money is the problem, I won't charge you any-" "No, no, Miss. My decision has been made and finalized I don't wish to talk about this," I said gulping down the tears that wanted to come out. "I understand," She walked to a cabinet in the back of the room and searched through the portfolios. "Here are your records and please, if you decide to come back, come back as soon as possible and any recommendation you need feel free to call me," She began writing her phone number on a sticky note and handed it to me. "Thank you for understanding," I shook her hand and stood up fast to walk towards the door to let those tears finally escape.

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