The Rise Against All, Ch.1

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Ch. 1- The Outlaw


A figure smirks, watching the building in front of him burn. The fire licked up towards the dark and star dotted sky, making people flood from their homes and apartment buildings to see was ruckus was about.

“ARE YOU CRAZY?!” A woman screams, running up in front of the hooded figure. The male tilts his head down, making it so the woman could not see his face. “MY DAUGHTER IS IN THERE! YOU KILLED HER!”

The male rolls his eyes under the black cloak and hood. “For Notch’s sake, calm down!” He growls, stepping to the side. A young girl stood, a bright smile on her face. She gripped onto the males cloak and tugged, making him look down and grin.

The woman cries out in joy and runs to greet her daughter, pulling her into a hug. “Look, mommy!” The toddler exclaims, holding up a stuffed doll. “He saved Molly too!”

“I would never hurt any of you!” The male yells angrily, spinning to meet the crowd behind him. He thrusts out his hand, making the entire group of people jump, but nothing happens. The hooded figure sighs, looking at the ground. “This was a government building- correct?” A few people in the front nod, watching the large building behind him burn.

The male smirks. “Good,” he says, turning to the building. He stares at his handy work. “You people are so desperate. You’ll do anything for those bastards.” He growls, images flooding his mind. “Am I going to be the only one standing up for myself?”

A yell is heard- and all of the people that had gathered look up at a building, seeing a familiar figure run over the roof top. The figure came closer and you could see the now female shape. An iron sword was strapped tightly to her back, and a glowing gold and purple amulet bounced with every jump she made.

After a few more seconds the girl hits the ground, landing in a crouching position. One hand was on the ground and supporting her weight, the other up and over her shoulder- gripping onto the hilt of her sharp sword.

“Speak of the devil~” The hooded male says, loud enough for everyone to hear. He crosses his arms, the hood over his head casting and eerie shadow across his features.

“It took you long enough!” A man yells from the back of the crowd, and the teen girl jumps to her feet.

“Are you kidding?!” The familiar voice of -the ‘town hero’- MMX rings through the air. “I was on the other side of town!” MMX pants, brushing some loose hair from her eyes. “I RAN all the way here!”

“Well- It wasn’t fast enough!” Another voice calls.

“This is why I hate you people!” The hooded male speaks harshly, “All of the ‘mighty government’. Suppose to be doing whatever you can to protect the people! And look- SHE’S the only one to show up!”

MMX stands in shock, not expecting to hear anything like that come from the outlaw’s mouth. She shakes her head, getting into a fighting position.

The male turns around, glaring at the teen. “Why? Why do you stick up for them?! They’re nothing! They never did anything for any of us!”

MMX pauses, standing up straight again. “I don’t like them,” she states flatly- making everyone gasp. “Oh shut up!” She yells, throwing her arms in the air. “Don’t act surprised! Why do you think I have my own base?! I only come here in the middle of the night to protect you people, and all I get is complaints. Maybe next time I’ll just let him burn your town!”

Everyone stands in shock, never wanting to hear that from the only person that came quick enough to catch the bandits.

“He has a point,” she says quietly, distant police sirens going off. “Look- it’s already done and over, and they’re just now responding. Just be glad the he has some common sense- he coulda killed you just for fun.” A wicked grin spreads behind MMX’s mask.

A sudden gust of wind rushes through the city, making the over-sized fire spark and sputter, and the outlaws hood the blow down.

MMX looks at the male’s face, surprise running through her head. “Y-You’re just a teenager…” She stutters, looking at the boy’s face closely. His features were distorted due to the raging fire in front of him, but she could see the black mask. Instead of cover his mouth like hers did- it had two holes in it, and covered his glowing white eyes.

The male grins wickedly, his eyes flashing. “I can say the same about you, and you should dress a little better next time out here though, sweet heart. It’s cold.” He gestures to MMX’s outfit, which was simply a thick black band over her chest, short black shorts held up on both sides with purple straps running over her shoulders, along with purple bands around her arms, showing the slight muscle she had.

MMX glares at him, her hands balling into fists. The boy smirks, giving a final gentleman bow to her and the crowd. “I should go,” he says, saluting everyone.

He turns on his heel, quickly sprinting away. MMX stares and then shakes her head, quickly chasing the hooded figure that had already slipped to the shadows.

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