Chapter 23

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"There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play..."

"There's a girl in the window.. Tears rolling down her face.. We're only lost children.. Trying to find a friend.. Trying to find our way back home.. We don't know where to go.. So I'll just get lost with you..We'll never fall apart.. 'Cause we fit together right.. We fit together right..These dark clouds over me.. Rain down and roll away.. We'll never fall apart.. 'Cause we fit together like..Two pieces of a broken heart..."


"I think.." He stops for a minute.

"You think what Harry." I stare back at him.

"Never mind." I roll my eyes and walk out of the balcony door.

"You can't leave Bethany." I hear his voice trailing behind me.

"And what makes you think I'm staying? You kidnapped me. You've beaten me several times.Shot me once. Almost twice actually. You and your whole damn gang can go to prison if report this." I'm out of breath by the time I finish.

"That's the thing. You can't leave. If you do.." He pauses and walks closer to me.

"You can consider yourself and your whole damn family dead too." He spats. He laughs and walks out on the balcony again.

I turn around and walk towards him. My face fuming with anger that I have to let out on someone and it sure as hell happens to be Harry.

"Don't you dare threaten my damn family. Just because you don't care about yours doesnt mean I dont care about mine." I spat harshly turning him around. His eyes are black and it looks like something posses inside of him.

"What the hell did you just say? Just because I dont care about my family.. Was it?" He smirks and walks forward.

"Yes. Yes actually it was what I said." I smile feeling a ruch of adrenaline flowing through my body. He looks down as I look up at his towering height over mine. I cross my arms over my chest and he speaks up again.

"Feeling brave are we? I don't think that you know that I can kill you in seconds." He pauses and lowers down to my height. Faces inches apart as he soon speaks again.

"And no one, and I mean no one would ever fine your body or even care that you were killed Bethany. And most certinly the wont know who killed you." He smirks and stands up straight again. He turns back around and looks out into the city again.

"If you always talk about killing me, then why dont you just do it?" I ask, knowing it caught him off gaurd. I take a step closer feeling the heat and tension rising between us both.

"Right here. Right now. Your right, nobody would care, or know that you did it Harry. You could live happily, without me as a burden." I take a step close to Harry. I grab a gun laying on the desk nearby and walk towards Harry.

"Just do it. Nobody would have to know." I whisper opening his hand to give him the gun.

I take a few steps back and look at Harry in the eyes. A smirk rises upon my face as he sets the gun down an walks towards me.

Our faces are inches apart. He crouches down to my height and rests his forehead on mine. His hot breath fans over my lips as he soon speaks.

"I would love to kill you baby girl." He smirks then continues on.

"But I have so much planned for you, that I would be able to do with a dead body." He laughs and stands up tall, facing down at me.

"How many girls have you kidnapped before me?" I bluntly say. He seems shocked by my sudden outburst, but soon enough recovers.

"I don't just go around kidnapping girls I find attractive ya know." He chuckles and shakes his mess of curls out of his hair.

I sigh and walk over to the bed, wanting to rest my aching back. I lay down and let out a small groan as I feel the bed sink next to me.

I think about all the questions I've been meaning to ask him. But there's one that's been really been on my mind, that I am determined to find out about.

"Have you ever been in love?" I finally ask the question that's been on my mind and I'm defiantly not prepared for the answer that I get.



It's a short chapter, but I updated. The next few chapters may not all that interesting. Well actually any update up until the 29th won't be interesting.

If you actually care why... It's because I'm actually Muslim. We have to fast for 1 month each year.. so it started on.... the 28..? Or 29...? One of those. I think it was the 28th. It goes back 10 days every year blah blah blah.

But we are not allowed to listen to songs during that time period, and I always listen to songs while writing the chapters, because it influences me!!

So basically yeah! I just wrote out the songs ahead of time for a few chapters onward.

Another thing! I am telling you this now! I am going to vacation like the 26 or 25 to Canada to see my cousins! We are meeting like after 100000000 days! okay maybe not that many!

We are going to like a safari park, wonderland (have any of you that have been there before recently rode that new ride.. leviathan I think it's called? is it fun?) The last time I went to wonderland was in like 5th grade. So yeaah!

Also were going to the beach and Niagara Falls! I'm just too excited. Sorry! but if any of you guys are going during that time feel free to say Haaay!

Okay last thing... MY BIRTHDAY IS IN LIKE 10 days! July 17... Gonna be 14. ✌

QOTD: Comment what your fave part of the story is.

Do you guys like the new cover...

No but seriously. Do you?

And some of you are older then me... that's normal. Totally. (: (;

Okay this is the last thing. Promise!

I wrote two songs in this chapter. Whoever can name them both will get something. A surprise. The song chapter does not count. That's the one written in italics.

P.s. this story is coming to an end soon.

Okay I'm done. Thanks for 22k !!

Thanks! I hope you enjoyed!




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