Chapter 32

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"I remember tears streaming down your face..."
"When I said I'll never let you go..When all those shadows almost killed your light..I remember you said..Don't leave me here alone..But all that's dead and gone and past tonight..Just close your eyes..The sun is going down..You'll be alright..No one can hurt you now..Come morning light..You and I'll be safe and sound..."


I stare at my refection in the ladies room bathroom mirror. Dark circles drag along under my eyes. Eyes are now basically lifeless.

What does it matter anymore? He said 'I love you too' another woman. He just wanted to break you 'til you hit rock bottom. And he succeed doing so too.

What he doesn't understand is that I'm silently dying from the inside. I can't keep going on with this cycle with him. It's just beginning to be to much.

I stare at myself one last time then walk out the bathroom into Tim Hortons. Harry waits by a table wearing dark sunglasses and a black hat.

I walk over to him, keeping my head down. I can feel his stare on me, but don't let it bother me.

"What's wrong baby girl?" He takes a seat and hands me my Iced Cappachino. I gladly take it from him and take the seat across from him.

"Nothing." I bluntly reply taking a long sip from my cold drink, giving me a brain freeze.

"It's obviously something. Come on Bethany, you can tell me." He replies and drinks his frozen hot chocolate.

"Seriously. There's nothing wrong. Promise." I fake a smile and continue to drink my tasty treat. He smiles back at me, believing my lie.

"Just 2 weeks left 'till we're in New York." He smiles, but there's something laced behind that. I can't tell what, but I know it's there.

"Yeah." I fake a smile. Again. No I am not excited to be going to New York. Currently we're in..Well I don't quite know where we are.

He hasn't told me, and truthfully I don't really care anymore. After that night he told another girl 'I love you' I don't care to take interest in anything anymore y'know. Everything these past couple days has been a blur for me.

But the thing is, I can't say that I don't care and I'm not jealous. Because truth is, I care and I am just jealous right now. You would be too, if you were in my position.

I just wish I could've lived my life. Not being kidnapped. Falling in love with someone who wasn't a criminal. But they say God does everything for a reason. But I don't understand the reasoning for this.

I didn't notice that I finished my drink, until I started hearing that slurping sound, representing the end of the drink.

I stare at the bottom of the glass as Harry talks on the phone with, I don't even know or care who he talks to anymore. At this point I'm just very tired and done with everything to be honest.


We've been driving for about 3 hours now and I've realized that my period is 3 weeks late. It's the last week of the month and it still hasn't come.

I don't get it. Harry used protection. I mean I think he did. Surely he must've. He is not one to forget those types of things. He's probably had sex with so many girls that he lost track by now.

Just the thought of it makes me want to hurl. He's there like the sex pro god or whatever and I'm here like oh yeah, you just took my virginity Harry.

I could get a pregnancy test just to make sure. But with Harry here, there's no way that's happening. If it turns out positive. I-I just don't know what I would do.

No, I would never get and abortion. To kill life is just not what I do. But it's what Harry does. He kills people for a living. If he was to know I was pregnant all hell would break loose. Literally.

That's why, If I ever am pregnant he would never find out. I mean yeah he would find out sooner or later, but I choose later.

But as soon as we get to New York that will be the first of my many priorities.


Okay this was like a short chapter, but I am just trying to get to the point faster.

So I was thinking of making it until 35 chapters since I don't even know what to write about. But I have the ending perfectly planned out.

So what are your thoughts on that?

I still hoped you liked the chapter. Don't worry, I am telling you that it's going to go like this:

..............Small Scene ...........................Small scene ..................................................................................................... BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM the end.

Just bare with me darlings.

I am just not the Starbucks kind of girl. Like no. Don't hate me for this but I am not the biggest fan of Starbucks. It's just waaay to overpriced and to me and my family it's basically tasteless.

I mean their Java Chip was alright, but I am in love with Tim Hortons!!! Mm! I love their Iced Capp. And their frozen hot chocolate. It's da

My friend told me that was a p*rn website. Like she wrote it in her twitter and it ended up as a link and it lead to p*rn. She was like I swear I didn't know, so I just deleted the tweet.

Haha! I swear.

Anyways, sorry if you guys like Starbucks better than Tim Hortons I mean I don't its just my opinion. Just saying guys. Don't get mad guys!!

QOTD: 35 chapters or 40 chapters? Tim Hortons or Starbucks.

If y'all hadn't noticed Tim Hortons all the way!!

I want to do 35 chapters cause it would literally be perfect for what I have planned out guys! But it's all up to you! I want to make you guys happy!

Guys my reads, votes and comments keep lessening! Am I doing something wrong? Please tell me.

This a/n is longer than the actual chapter. The actual fuuuu?

Thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed!




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