Chapter 24

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"Don't try to make me stay..."

"Or ask if I'm okay.. I don't have the answer.. Don't make me stay the night.. Or ask if I'm alright.. I don't have the answer.. Heartache doesn't last forever.. I'll say I'm fine.. Midnight ain't no time for laughing.. When you say goodbye.. It makes your lips so kissable.. And your kiss unmissable.. Your fingertips so touchable.. And your eyes irresistible..."


I sit up and stare at him, clearly shocked by his reply. There's no way he could have been in love. No offence to him, but who would love him. They must clearly be out of their mind. 

"You have?" I ask him, as he sits up with me. 

"Just because I'm mean to you doesn't mean I haven't loved anyone before." He chuckles and shakes his head. 

" I just plainly don't like you Bethany." He replies bluntly. 


"What was her name?" I press on for more information. Who was he in love with? 

He was about to speak but a knock on the door distracts us both. He looks over at me confused by who it could be. He slowly gets up and my hopes with him. Maybe its the police, that have finally come to rescue me. 

He looks out of the small peep whole and the color immediately drains from his face. The knock on the door becomes pounding. I can hear the people outside threatening to break down the door if its not opened. 

The police. There here for me. I smile as the realization finally hits me. I'm not going to have to live with him anymore. I look at Harry and hes panicking searching for what seems like his phone. 

"If you open that damn door, I swear I will shoot you and leave your dead body here." He harshly whispers. He dials numbers on his phone and waits for someone to answer. Meanwhile the pounding on the door seems to grow louder by the minute. I don't understand why the didn't just get a room key from the service desk, but I couldn't care less. 

"Hello? Louis there here- Yes them- No there trying to bust open the door-I don't know. Just hurry up and get here. Its only three of them. You guys can shoot them down. Tell Niall to bring the car around back.-No- Yes we're jumping. -Just get here- bye." I stare at him as he ends the call and throws me my shoes, expecting me to put them on.

"Put your f*cking shoes on. I'm not kidding. Its not the police, if you were hoping for that." He whispers and I immediately throw my shoes on walking towards Harry.

"You and your girl are dead Styles." A voice screams from outside just as a shot is put through the door. I immediately hide behind Harry as another shot is heard. Harry swears under his breath and leads us both out to the balcony.

"You need to jump baby girl."He speaks to me as he looks down at the fall. I cower back in fear. There's no way I'm jumping down that. None of the jumps I've made were that long down. Harry notices my distress.

"I'll jump first, but you need to jump once I'm down there. I'll catch you." He says that starts over the barrier between us and the drop. I take a shaky breath as he lets go of everything and lets himself fall forward. I slowly walk over to the railing and see that he made it down safely.

Another shot rings my ears as I look back to see the hinges of the door wearing down and coming undone. I look down and see Harry calling my name, telling me to take the jump. 

I carefully place one leg, then the other, so I'm sitting on the railing. I hear another shot, then something bust open. I turn around my hair getting in my face, but see 3 men all pointing guns at me. I scream then let myself fall to my misery. 

My hair blows everywhere and my eyes are screwed shut. I wait for the hard impact to come, but it never comes. Instead I fall into the arms of, none other than the Harry Styles

I fist the front of his shirt, not wanting let go. I have not yet forgotten my terrifying fall, and don't think I can. He starts running off into the streets as I hear gun shot after gun shot.

And I know, that if nobody comes to my rescue, this is what my life would be like. Running away from every villain that wants to kill or hurt us. And I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Or will never be ready for it. 


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

QOTD: If I came out with a sequel or a different fanfic, would you read it? 

Guys, I think I'm going to pass out! You know why? 


 Like just stop! I need someone to vent with over this! I mean its honestly the best damn book in the world. 

Especially with Harry's period jokes! Ha ha

Okay I'm done. 

Shout out to Anna! This chapter is for you !!! 





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