Chapter 10: Taking Control Of The Game

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Chapter 10

Life has a funny way of working. We can waste countless hours stressing and focusing our attention on the meaningless of things. While in a fraction of that time a life can be taken. In the time it took for me to plan this silly heist on my father's office, Derek Hale had already plummeted four stories to his death.

So here I am, tense as I shift my body weight to the edge of the chair. My father has sat himself down his cushioned office chair located on the other side of his unnecessary large desk. His green eyes, that reflect mine so well, bore into me as they look for a tell. But I am his daughter and if he had learned anything from our hostile exchanges, I wasn't going to let him patronize me so easily.

I just hope I had scrubbed away most of the tear stains that had once streaked down my face after confining myself to the protection of my own room.

After hearing the news, I surprised even myself by going into shock. An unexpected wave of sadness and remorse hit me square in the gut and as a result, I crumbled like the foundation of an old building.

The thought of Derek no longer being here alone is devastating, but knowing my father had succeeded in a goal I helped achieve, is even more sickening.

"Lucy, did you hear what I just said?" Deucalion growls with no trace of enjoyment in his raspy voice. I expected a more smug look to be protrade on his features, after all he had come out victorious where Derek had not. But like his tone, he was lacking the excitement that came with killing a man.

"No, my mind was somewhere else."

His forehead scrunches in what could be a look of sympathy, but I highly doubt it. "You should be glad I did what I did. With Derek Hale out of the picture, we are in control now."

"Would Ennis be glad? Would he appreciate the sacrifices you've made to get to this point?"

Deucalion sighs as if Ennis was merely a dog that met it's end too soon, not a man that had served as his third in command since this pack was formed. "Ennis did what was necessary. He gave his life to take Derek down and I won't forget his bravery in doing so."

My laugh is as dry as his statement, "But Ennis wasn't suppose to die, at least that's what Kali said. He fell, right? Fell four stories with Derek right at his side as they made contact with the abandoned escalator shaft. Yet, you carried him out of there with a pulse- a faint one- but his heart was still beating. Sure the drop would have killed an ordinary person, possibly even a Beta, but Ennis was an Alpha and he managed to hold on." As I explain I can't help the small smirk that curls the corners of my mouth.

"What are you implying?"

"If Ennis, a strong alpha, was able to withstand the impact before succumbing to his injuries hours later, Derek who has proven himself to be a powerful alpha time and time again, surely could have survived the fall as well." I wasn't ready to believe my father, not on this and certainly not on anything else.

"So, you think Derek could have survived?" He chuckles, "Sometimes I forget you're just a child- a child who still holds on to the silly idea of hope. He is dead, Lucy. I watched him stumble over the edge and I heard the impact of his body slamming into a slab of concrete."

I watch his eyes shift between me and the wilting plant on the edge of his desk. His heart wasn't skipping a beat because he wanted to believe what he was saying, but doubt was holding him back.

I lean forward in the chair and crinkle my nose at the stench of blood that still lingers on my father's hands. "But you didn't find a body, did you?" Any remaining colour in Deucalion's face drains away at the impact of my words. "By the time you got to Ennis, he was already gone. Dragged away- or worse, he had walked away."

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