when I woke toi saw daddy cumberhottie standing over me and he was carrying me off to a seemungly armless house and he noitced me as my perfectlly curved eyebrows flutterwd my eyes widening at seeing him and for some reason he was naked and then daddy stroked my cheek gently andnd I smiled a little and I could still feel the hot cummz from all the four slithher off my fair skin and my hair 2as like drenched from them jwrking off my perfect emo gotjiness. daddy cucumber opened a door and before tossing me onto a bed roughly and then he icked his lips and got on top his 696969-666(geddit because he worships da antichrist) ab pack glistening with sweat as he was eager for my gothy ass "whos daddys little monster huh?"he teased, minding my shirt '0w0 what's this" he tugged the shirt and his awesome sexiness aroused me.
sudderly a burst of lightninng swept by the room and there standing in a baeutiful glow was len who was the son of the great god donkey, who was a ally of the great wizard Shrek. He growled, his shaggy hair glistening from the fires of her lightning bolt. Daddy grumbled and he looked so ferocious that his time with me has been done. Len looked "Begone THOTTO!!! Da'ark Angel MHERY KASSANDRA MIDNIGHT VON SHADOWo!!" He shouted, pointing at me "N-Nani?" I was absolutely shocked! My mouth dropped to the floor in exaggeration "You have been accused to have committed TREASON! Now come, for I am the THOT PATROL" He snarled as he bared his chest. His form now, wasn't 'as blinding from before as the lightning had faded away. He wore a gorgeous pink dress, with white bows everywhere. He struck a fabulous pose, with a great ak-47 on both hands. Black shades were high on his face, with a glare that could make any thot wet.
an OK! Almost @ 100 READS!!1 OMG THNXX SO MUCH GUYS!! look at da pic above ok? Das by my sister amanda FANGS AMANDA I LOVE U SOOOO MUCH NO HOMO FREN 😘! plz no hate because haters are fans of daniel brocoli and tailor swiFT and ££selma gomes EWWW ALSO kpop SO NORMIES BACK OF OR ULL GET A PIECE OF MY ANGER!!!! U HAVENT SEEN MY DARK SIDE
xX angel666~
satan's wet dream
RomanceOMG!!!THIS IS MT FIRST FIC YOI GUYS!!!! 0w0 IM SO HAPPY TOO SHARE TTHIS WITH YOU!!!! sorry if its not gud UnU