The beginning of all things

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There were snowflakes already dancing in the breeze by the time I stepped outside of my apartment building.

It made me realise how fast this past year had flown by and I couldn't stop it no matter how much I wanted too.
But I couldn't lie, it was a good year, a hectic one with the whole having to move to this new city but still, it was good.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and stuffed my gloved hands into my pockets.

The snow crunched beneath my feet as I trudged along, it made me shiver and I ducked a little more behind my scarf.

If it kept snowing like this, maybe school would get cancelled.
I crossed my fingers.

It never snowed here, like ever, so despite the numb fingers and chilly toes, I was happy it finally was.

It didn't take long getting to my destination. Unfortunately.

I sighed looking up at the huge buildings of Alfheim and shivered as a cold mist appeared before me but disappeared as fast as it came.

There was no one in sight as I looked side to side, making my way to the entrance.

Makes sense since I was fashionably late - a good ol' fifteen minutes to be exact.
I'd blame my alarm clock a thousand times over but that'd be the biggest lie in the history of lies.

I smiled to myself, ah, sleep truly is the greatest gift..
Maybe if that guy tried it, he'd stop yelling it was for the weak. Maybe.

Someone called my name from above and I flicked my blue hair out my face as I glanced up to see a weirdly buff guy leaning half his body out the window.

"Ethan!! Get your ass up here, you're late!"

I grinned but before I could shout back, the teacher grabbed him by the scruff of the neck to pull him back in.
He was screaming dramatically and hanging onto the edge of the windows for what looked to be dear life.

"Mark! Get back inside now, what the hell is wrong with you?!"

I laughed under my scarf and shook my head slightly.

Laughter was erupting from the room above but it suddenly dulled as the teach slammed the window shut.

I turned my attention away, walking to the doors but curious as to what Marks witty comeback was.
Maybe I'll never know.
Maybe that's a good thing.

I smiled as I pushed open the doors and made my way to the rows of lockers.
How Mark wasn't expelled yet was but a mystery.

Talking about expulsion, I heard Brandon Rodgers got expelled yesterday for stripping and doing parkour over the teachers desk.

It was break and the teach wasn't in the room and he wasn't suppose to be for another twenty minutes but oh how fate has a very dreadful sense of humour.

That poor man came back to grab some papers only to witness what hell is like.
All I can say is I hope the dude recovers in his years of therapy sessions.

I unbuttoned my damp, brown coat as I walked and shrugged it off when I reached my locker.

I frowned as a little piece of paper came into view, it was folded and attached to the locker door - my name scribbled on it.

I peeled it off and brought it closer but as I was about to open it, my phone went off.

I literally jumped.
Yes, laugh. I know, it was embarrassing but in my defence it was completely silent and I was caught in the moment.
Why am I defending myself to.. Myself?

I looked at the text displayed on the bright screen, it was Dan telling me to hurry up and that the teach just gave me and Mark a, and I quote, "a detention that'll last the rest of our miserable lives."

I sighed and shoved my phone in my pocket along with the note, it can wait 'til later.

I forcefully pushed my coat, scarf and gloves into the locker and after the immense struggles, I managed to slam it shut.


"Finally! Took you long enough." Came a very monotonous voice from the back, I smiled and choked out a response through the cold shivers.

"Almost didn't even get here! God, it's so cold."

"Well no shit Sherlock" A tall, large man then gestured to the window, "please. Please enlighten us on how you discovered that."

The other classmates giggled in their seats until Mrs. Von-Schneeplestein set them silent with her obnoxious yelling.

"Yeah, real funny Bob." I laughed it off and took my seat beside Mark.

Mark turned in his seat and I looked up at him after placing my book upon the rusting table.

"Yo man, where you been? Me and the guys were starting to suspect the worst."

I frowned, "but I've only been gone a day or two."

"A day or two too long."

I grinned as I teased him. "Were you worried bout lil ol' me?"
But Mark didn't smile and deny it like I thought he would. Instead, I saw the man before me gulp and nod.

"Yeah, of course I was.. You weren't answering any of our texts, I thought.."

"Oh.. About that, I've just been so busy with unpacking but I'm nearly done with it so please don't worry."

This seemed to reassure him as he nodded once more and uttered a quiet "glad you're okay" though I almost didn't hear it over the chattering students.
He shuffled in his seat slightly to talk to a girl from behind us who had called his name.

Was he really that worried about me?

I thought no one really cared about me since I seem to be the butt of every. single. Joke around here..
'Oh hey Ethan, how's the acne?'
'Knock knock'
'Who's there'
'Ach who?'
'Please don't sneeze on my acne'

I sighed, I'd pretty much heard it all by this point and I'd literally only spent two days at this stupid school.

You know.. I'm glad I took some time off, it gave me a chance to get away from everything.

No one can insult me when I'm on my own..

I picked up my pen and cringed, my fingers were stiff from the cold and I tried blowing on them to warm them.

Mark giggled and I looked up. He was looking at me with a big, goofy smile plastered on his face; it made me smile back.

"What are you doing?"

"Warming my fingers," I frowned, "glad I'm not out there anymore, I swear my nips almost froze off."

"Be glad it was just your nips and not anything else that's tiny!" Bob snickered from a few chairs over.

I laughed. A dick joke, how funny..

Mark laughed along with everyone else and I put my hands down.
Just laugh along, Ethan

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