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         My life was like every ones life. I just finished my studies and i was on my way to university,after years of struggle and conquest, but my life came to a stand still. i had a strange dream of a journey i could not finish. I spent several mounts thinking about the dream. in all my life some thing like this has never stopped me. i later started beating my self up if this was because i was an average man with an average life.I hated my life with passion and no Remorse. After my first  three mouths after my graduation I stood in the deepest and darkest parts of my mind waiting for something apart from me to happen. I had no choice but to invite my best friend Jerry Roock to help me with my problem at  at first I thought it was a bad idea because i was an antisocial type of guy then i realized that Jerry really gets me. He began to inspire me with my current achievements. He helped me see that i was not just an average man but an excellent average man I locked on to the mind set of getting a good university to join with my out standing result and performance. My parents were proud that i finally had a mind set and they encouraged me, but the new problem was what to study.

               It was about 14th of may 2010 when I finally decided to put economics and statistic as my course but I needed to also brush up because i have been isolated for about four mouths but when I started  to load my self with all this knowledge my life was starting to come together but I will describe the struggle of my academics as a slushy show where i had to know whether I stray a way and become a billionaire like bill gate or slay my destiny and make sky my limit, I developed fear I did not understand but it was not fair because I did not know if i was on the trail to my destiny or not. my life soon turned into a stabbing spear on my feet as i continued the part of my life.

               The heat was unbearable I felt weird strange and every thing wrong, it was then giving up was like the profit of the day. I could not refuse this profit even if i tried, i then knew i was my own liar that could just die on the spot because it would be better than continuing this journey          

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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