May I Have This Dance? Stephanie & Louis

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A/N: I made this one-shot for sparksfly791. Sorry it took so long! I wrote most of it at one a.m. (I don’t know why, but I write better at night. I must be part bat or something… Getting off topic.) So… Yeah. Plus, I don’t like the way it ended. Anyways, hope you like it! :D

 ~Lots of love, Bree. ~


            “I want, I want, I want!” I sang, bouncing up and down on my bed in time with the music that was playing, my light brown hair flying all over the place.

            “But that’s crazy,” I said shaking my head, bending down to crank the volume up on my stereo.

             I laughed, shaking my hips, doing an air guitar solo.

              My phone buzzed in my pocket, making me sigh and pause the music.

              “This better be important, Rachel, Zayn’s solo was coming up.” I said a little breathlessly.

               “Yes, it is. Stephanie, can you meet Emily and me at Starbucks in fifteen minutes? I’ve got something to tell you guys.” She replied, obviously excited about something.

                “Sure,” I said, glancing at the clock on my wall. It read ten-thirty P.M. “But isn’t it a little late for coffee?”

                “Just meet me there.” She said, ignoring my question, hanging up.

                I dropped my phone onto my bed, pulling my hair up into a messy bun. I changed out of my SpongeBob PJ’s and put on a pair of blue jean shorts and a pink tank top.  I slid on my flip flops, grabbing my phone, and running out the door.

                I ran down the stairs to the living room, grabbing my car keys off the coffee table. This was one of the advantages of my parents working the night shift- I could make all the noise I wanted and nobody would complain.

                I slipped the keys into the ignition, humming softly. Pulling out of the driveway, I turned on the radio. ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ blasted through the speakers. Laughing, I sang along to it.

                Five minutes later, I pulled into the twenty-four hour Starbucks my friends and I practically worshiped. They had the best Caramel Mocha Frappuccino’s ever. I jumped out of my car, already able to smell the sweet scent of coffee.

                   Suddenly, somebody jumped onto my back, giggling. “Guess who?” She said, covering my eyes with her hands.

                “Hmmm, let me guess. Could it possibly be Emily?” I said, ripping her hands away, and pushing her off my back.

                “You’re no fun.” Emily sniffed, tucking a stray strand of her short black hair behind her ear.

                I ignored her comment and instead looked over her shoulder to where Rachel’s car was parked. “Do you know why she called us here?” I asked, dragging her into the coffee house.

                “Not a clue.” She replied, shaking her head.

                The Starbucks was practically empty, except for a few die-hard coffee addicts here and there. We spotted Rachel easily enough; she was the only teenager in the shop (besides the staff) and had a smile on her face that was so big I was surprised her face didn’t split in half.

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