Leprechauns and Directionators. Ashley & Niall

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I feel horrible. I said I was going to put this up within a week and it’s been over a week. Sorry for that.  Anyways, hope you like it! Oh, and on the side is an awesome GIF on Niall dancing. 

                ~Lots of Love, Bree <3 ~              


“Ashley? Ash, where are you?” Liam called out, making me bite my lip to keep from giggling. “Ash, c’mon! We stopped playing over half an hour ago!”

I smiled. After nearly an hour of begging I had finally gotten the boys to play a game of hide ‘n seek with me. Harry and Liam had been found within five minutes, mostly because they hadn’t wanted to play and picked obvious spots. Louis and Zayn were found right after that, behind the couch. Not a very imaginative place to hide, but I didn’t care. Niall was the one that was it and had given up trying to find me after half an hour. I refused to get out of my hiding spot- If this was the only time they’d play with me then I’d make it last forever.

“We’ll leave for dinner without you!” Harry threatened weakly. I almost scoffed at him, having to put my hand over my mouth. It was my birthday dinner; there was no way they would leave without me.

“No you won’t!” I called from behind the T.V, positive they wouldn’t find me anytime soon.

“Yes we will! I’m getting hungry.” Niall replied, getting closer to my hiding spot. So am I, I thought, but I didn’t answer, hoping they wouldn’t hear me.

“Aha!” Niall exclaimed a few seconds later, making me jumped up in surprise and yelp.

“No!” I protested as he lifted me up from my hiding spot.

“We’ll play again when we get home. We have to leave for dinner soon or we won’t finish in time to go to the CD signing.” Niall said smiling, putting me down, and ruffling my long dark brown hair.

I narrowed my light brown eyes at him. He knew how much I loved their fans’ reactions to them.  “Fine.” I said eventually, following them outside and to the car.

Niall smiled at me, throwing his arm around my shoulders casually. I smiled up at him. “You just love being able to that, don’t you?” I asked, wrapping my arm around his waist as we walked out of the front gate. I’d been friends with the boys since the X Factor, but I’d always felt more connected with Niall. I don’t know why, but I’d always felt like I needed to protect him more than the others.

“I like being taller than someone for once, so yes. I do love being able to do that.” Niall answered, tightening his arm around my shoulders, his electric blue eyes shining. I rolled my eyes at the blond little leprechaun before dropping my arm from his waist and jumping into the car after Zayn.


“Louis, I swear to god, you keep trying to take my food and you will lose that arm.” Niall growled, scooting his almost-empty plate out of Louis’ reach. I smiled, taking the last bite of my food, poking the blue eyed boy.

“Stop messing with his food. You know how protective of it he is.” I scolded Louis playfully.

“Remember when Zayn tried to take his food?” Harry said, smirking at Zayn, whom was blushing at his comment. One time while we were hanging out at Harry’s place, Zayn had taken a piece of chicken off of Niall’s plate. It had turned into a full out brawl, only stopping when Niall pinned Zayn down and forced him to give him the chicken back.

“I was surprised you didn’t lose a limb.” I teased Zayn, smiling him.

“That’s what’ll happen next time, mate.” Niall said.

“There’s not going to be a next time,” Zayn reassured him, rolling his brown eyes. Niall smiled in victory.

“We better get going, don’t want to be late for the signing.” Daddy Direction reminded us a few minutes later, checking his watch.

“How many carrots do you think I’ll get this time?” Louis asked as we walked out of the restaurant.

“Twenty-nine.” I replied, smiling. “But there is going to be a lot a Larry Stylinson fans. I can feel it.” I said, teasing Harry and Louis about their epic bromance.

“What about Niam?” Liam asked, jumping into the car.

“Not as many. Maybe ten.”

“How many proposals will we get?” Harry asked, smiling cheekily.


“If you get this right, we’ll get you a cupcake.” Niall decided.

I smiled. It was like this every time. I had started this game; if I could guess three questions of theirs about how the CD signing would go right, I would get a cupcake or a ring pop or something like that. I was getting pretty good at it.    

“We’re here.” Paul announced a few minutes later, pulling into a parking lot that was filled with fans. I scanned the crowd quickly, smiling as I took in all the girls.

“Crazy, right?” Zayn asked, peering out the window.

“I’ll never get used to it.” Harry agreed before jumping out of the car. We followed behind him, holding our ears to block out the almost-deafening screams of joy.

“Marry me Zayn!”

“I love you Liam!”

“Harry, just kiss Louis already!”

By the time we had gotten inside the building my ears were ringing form all the noise the girls had made.

“We’ll open the doors in five minutes.” Paul said a few moments later, pointing to the table we would be sitting at.

 “Thanks,” The boys and I replied. I sat down next to Niall at the end, messing with his blond hair. It was going to be a long day.


Half an hour, nine carrots, two proposals, and five Larry Stylinson fans later, I was surprised to see a rare Narry shipper come up to us.

“-And Niall you and him are just so cute together. I mean, really. There’s not a cuter couple in the world.” She babbled, pointing to her ‘Narry’ shirt she had on.  

 “Niall’s not cute!” A person said from behind her. “And One Direction would be better without him.” The person added, making my blood boil. ‘How could they say something so mean and untrue?’  I thought.

I stood from my seat, angry that a person would say such a thing about cute, innocent Niall. “You obviously can’t see then. Niall is beautiful, funny, and a great singer. If he doesn’t deserve to be in One Direction, then nobody does.” I said, walking away from the table before I did anything I would get in trouble by management for.

“Ashley, wait!” I heard Niall say, jogging to catch up with me. I turned around to face him.

“Niall,” I started, but was interrupted when he crashed his lips with mine.

For a few moments I didn’t kiss him back, to surprised to do anything. What the hell, I thought a few seconds later, kissing him back, my eyes fluttering closed. Our lips moved in synch and no matter how cheesy and clichéd it sounded, I swear I felt fireworks.

  He pulled back a few moments later, resting his forehead on mine. “Thanks for sticking up for me.” He murmured. “And if it wasn’t already apparent, I kind of have a crush on you.” He added, making me laugh.

“Niall James Horan, what am I going to do with you?” I asked, pecking my little leprechaun on the cheek.

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